Your Guide to Meiji

Explore Student Insights

Sean Nicholson

USA, Illinois
Graduate School of Arts and Letters

My Connection with Meiji

Studying Abroad as a Post Graduate Student

Sean Nicholson

ven though I left Meiji University for a time after my year as an exchange student, from this winter I found myself back at Meiji. One could say my year as an exchange student went so well as to be mistaken as fiction: from traveling around Japan and seeing the places I had, until recently, only read about, to meeting people from other countries and finding my interest in and understanding of the world at large greatly expand. I can honestly find little to express disappointment in, other than the fact that I believed there was much left that could be done at Meiji.

Although I found some difficulties in getting used to studying at Meiji, fellow exchange students, classmates, and teachers all made no qualms about doing their utmost to provide any assistance I might have needed. Even for short-term exchange students, the curriculum is no watered down course, but a free reign to learn what they feel is important, and what benefits their studies the most.

Studying in a different country has difficulties, but if you have the will to overcome them, great things await you, and Meiji has the support to help you do so, if you are willing to ask for it. Meiji’s motto of being a university that strengthens the individual is not just for show.

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