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First International Conference of Engineering Business Management (ICEBM 2012: UTM)
August 28 & 29, 2012
In order to further strengthen the relationship between GSBA and the Razak School of Advanced Technology and Engineering at UTM, one of GSBA’s Double Degree Program partners, both institutions agreed to host an international conference in order to disseminate the leading research in business administration and engineering taking place at both institutions. The event was hosted in the historic Malaysian city of Malacca, a world heritage site.
The conference was held over two days on the 28th (Tue) and 29th (Wed) August at the Euquatorial Hotel near the historic center of Malacca. On both days, two parallel sessions were held. A reflection of the breadth and number of topics covered during the event. Students involved with the double degree program between GSBA and the Razak School were joined by doctorate students, researchers and lecturers from GSBA, the Razak School, and other departments at UTM.
The ICEBM has layed the foundations for similar events in the future and has served as a launch pad for greater collaboration between the GSBA and the RAZAk School, not only in relation to the Double Degree Program, but also in regards to other student exchanges and joint research projects.