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International Conference on Management Control Systems (University of South Australia)
July 5, 2013
GSBA has enjoyed a close relationship with the School of Management at the University of South Australia (UniSA), having facilitated a number of short term PhD exchanges to and from Adelaide since 2010. However, in recent months both GSBA and UniSA have been looking to expand the scope of collaboration, and discussions have taken place with a number of other schools, departments and centers at the UniSA Business School. One of the results of which was the hosting of a conference on management control systems in collaboration with a professor at the International Graduate School of Business at UniSA.
This event was also the first such conference hosted by GSBA since the move of the Meiji University Graduate Schools based on the Surugadai Campus from their former home in the Liberty Tower to the brand new Global Front facility, which opened at the start of the 2013 academic year. The conference in turn was hosted in the Global Front's impressive conference facility, the Global Hall. This conference also reflected the growing impact of GSBA's internationalization program across the research fields at the School, as students and lecturers in the field of accounting and management systems from Japan, Australia and China converged in Tokyo to share and compare ideas.
The conference was attended by a number of researchers in the field of accounting based at the Meiji University School of Business Administration, as well as researchers from other unversities in Japan, business practioners, and a notable number of undergraduate students. The conference also served as an important conduit for the discussion of possible research collaboration between the two institutions.
- Event Poster (PDF:466.6KB)
- Event Program (PDF:102.4KB)