Top > Events > International Conference 2012: Doctoral Research on Organizational Change and Discourse (Lancaster University)
International Conference 2012: Doctoral Research on Organizational Change and Discourse (Lancaster University)
June 24, 2012
Further to a visit to Lancaster University by doctorate students of GSBA in February, 2012, in order to participate in a research workshop on “Work, Employment and Human Resource Management”, lecturers and students from the Organization, Work and Technology Department of the Lancaster University Management School were invited to travel out to Meiji for a return event.
The conference was held in the Academy Common Building on the Surugadai Campus of Meiji University in downtown Tokyo. Held in a similar format to the conference hosted with Cardiff University in 2010, the event allowed students from both GSBA and Lancaster University to discuss, compare and debate their research. Of notable interest for both the spectators and participants were the divergent approaches to research taken by the respective students of Lancaster and Meiji.
As with previous events, the conference offered an important opportunity for culutral and academic exchange between students studying at Meiji and those studying in the UK. The event also helped to establish such conferences as a regular part of the academic calender at GSBA, while helping to strengthen the foundations of its efforts to internationalize.
- Event Program (PDF:119.4KB)