Lecture by the Mayor of São Paulo
Mayor pays respects to University President after lecture ( 2009.6.1 )

On the 14th of May 2009, the Mayor of São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab, gave a lecture at Liberty Hall in the Surugadai Campus.
After being introduced by Prof. Masahiko Yokoi, the dean of the School of Commerce, Mayor Kassab gave an outline of São Paulo, mentioning how the city was faring in the current economic crisis. While analyzing the varied problems that both São Paulo and Tokyo faced, he explained strategies which both cities had adopted to cope with problems in the areas of education, health, environment and employment.
Mayor Kassab spoke of how São Paulo had a population of 11million people, with 1.1million of Japanese descent among many other minorities. He stressed that while São Paulo was the biggest city in Brazil it was gripped by a chronic budget deficit. The students listened intently as Mayor Kassab spoke about his policies to deal with the economic crisis such as how the tax collection system is being overhauled, with a clamp down on tax evasion in order to secure funds which are to be used in environmental projects, which in turn will create employment.

After the lecture Mayor Kassab introduced dignitaries including the head of São Paulo’s international affairs, Alfredo Cotait Neto, and the head of the city’s transport bureau, Alexandre de Moraes, and paid his respects to University President Naya. Representatives from Meiji University including President Naya, Vice President Etsuko Katsu who is in charge of international exchange, Dean Yokoi of the School of Commerce and Prof. Mariko NAKAMURA of the School of Commerce greeted the visitors from São Paulo. President Naya said that he hoped the visit from Mayor Kassab could trigger further international exchanges between Japan and Brazil.
Mayor Kassab and his delegation came to visit Meiji University in preparation for a special practical course under the title of Development Aid and Volunteering in Latin America, which is being developed by Prof. NAKAMURA at the School of Commerce. We hope that this visit by the mayor of São Paulo will act as the first step in Meiji University deepening its links with countries throughout Latin America.