The Graduate School of Business Administration and University Teknologi Malaysia’s BATC reach agreement on double degree program ( 2009.12.1 )

Meiji University’s Graduate School of Business Administration and University Teknologi Malaysia’s Business and Advanced Technology Center (BATC) signed an agreement to put in place a Master’s level double degree program at Liberty Tower on the Surugadai Campus on October 30th 2009. It is hoped the double degree will cultivate graduates with a solid knowledge across the humanities, science and business, and that the degree will contribute to education and research in both countries.
University Teknologi Malaysia and Meiji University have already established links which have seen the setting up of Meiji’s first foreign satellite office and an exchange between the universities which has until now focused mainly on research. This new agreement will provide an emphasis on education and will help to develop further the links which were first forged in 2007 with a student exchange agreement between the two universities.
The signing ceremony opened with a speech from the President of the Graduate School division Takehiko Yoshimura. This was followed by speeches from Dean Masayasu TAKAHASHI of the Graduate School of Business Administration and Dr. Awaluddin bin Mohd. Shaharon the head of the BATC in which they spoke of their hopes for the development of the program. Counselor Siti Zaharah binti Omar of the Malaysian Embassy of Japan, who was also a guest, announced his congratulations.
Following this, Dr. Awaluddin and Dean TAKAHASHI exchanged agreement contracts on the implementation of the double degree. Dean TAKAHASHI said that along with being chosen as a member of the Global 30 group, this double degree program was a very important step in Meiji University’s ambitions in becoming a truly international university. He continued by stressing that holding classes in English was a pioneering initiative and would be a big leap forward for Meiji University.
It was planned to exchange memoranda of understanding with the finer details of the program at a later stage, and it was planned to start recruiting for the program, focusing particularly on students who are interested in enrolling in a Master’s Degree program in 2010.