MIMS and IAC of Italy conclude agreement in mutually beneficial cooperation in exchange of young researchers and joint research ( 2009.12.1 )

Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS) signed an agreement with the Istituto per la Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" (IAC) on October 28th 2009 at Liberty Tower on the Surugadai Campus in order to further internationalize academic research and higher education.
The agreement aims to develop a mutually beneficial system in the areas of higher education and research which will see exchange of researchers, including those who are in the early stages of their careers, as well as an expansion of publications and joint research projects.
On March 4th 2009, MIMS and the IAC concluded a memorandum of understanding which has seen the exchange of researchers, as well as dispatches of postdoctoral researchers between the institutions, but this new agreement sets out to increase academic presentations and joint research projects between the two institutions.
After signing the agreement, Director Mimura of the MIMS said he was delighted to have signed the agreement and that this agreement would pave the way for a solid increase in the number of exchanges between the two institutions. Director Michiel Bertsch of the IAC said that this agreement would see further strides in mathematical research into natural and social phenomena, and that he hoped for the development of an active flow of research in the field of mathematics between the institutions.
Vice President Etsuko Katsu who is in charge of research at Meiji University gave a speech, and this was followed by a congratulatory address by Prof. Shinichi Tate of Hiroshima University’s Graduate School. Hiroshima University is a partner university of Meiji University in the Global COE program.
Besides the agreement with the IAC, MIMS has also signed agreements with the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales in France, the Institute of Mathematics in the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Taiwan’s Institute of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing and the Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar in Madrid, Spain. MIMS also wishes to strengthen ties with all of these institutions and set up more solid foundations for research exchange.
The IAC, which is a mathematical research institution, is part of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) which was established in 1927. The IAC is the largest research organization within the CNR and has research centers in Rome, Bari, Florence and Naples. Its mission is to develop highly advanced mathematical, statistical and computational methods in order to solve, in a mostly interdisciplinary context, problems with strong relevance to society and industry.