Professor Kazuto Iida, School of Political Science and Economics, provided commentary on Phoenix Television in Hong Kong.

Professor Iida explaining the bursting
of the real estate bubble in Japan.
In late March, Professor Kazuto Iida of the School of Political Science and Economics appeared on Phoenix Television in Hong Kong to explain past economic movements associated with the bursting of the real estate bubble in Japan.
The program titled “The Bursting of the Real Estate Bubble in Japan—Even older people live in a rented house” described the bursting of the real estate bubble in Japan and explained that the effect increased the number of people who opted for rental housing, even among middle-aged or advanced-aged people. Professor Iida explained the Plaza Accord, which was concluded in 1985, and the aspects of the bursting of the real estate bubble in the Japanese economy that followed.
Phoenix Television has many viewers in Mainland China and Hong Kong. A segment of the program is viewable on the Phoenix Television website.
鳳凰網(Phoenix Television Website)
*The commentary by Professor Iida starts approximately from 1:33 and 2:36.