Participation in the first meeting of UN Academic Impact
Upon UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s visit to Japan, the very first meeting in Japan of the UN Academic Impact, a global initiative to align institutions of higher education with the United Nations, was held on August 4 at Waseda University. From Meiji University, Vice President Etsuko Katsu (International Exchanges), and Associate Professor Takane Kawashima from the School of Information and Communication attended the meeting with other Japanese member universities - Kyushu University, Chuo University and Osaka University of Commerce.
As “A University Open To The World,” Meiji University believes that it has a responsibility to contribute to solving global issues, such as the environment, sustainability, poverty, and the protection of human rights, in addition to its core responsibilities for education and research, and to continue its ongoing efforts to that end.
For details on Academic Impact: Initiatives at Meiji University, click here.