Participant Voice (2012)

I have had a most amazing time attending the Meiji University Law in Japan program. The course offered me much insight into Japanese law. Since much of Japanese law is in Japanese, I personally felt that it was a rare privilege for me, a non-Japanese speaking foreigner, to be able to learn more about it.
Visits to places like the Diet, Prison and Immigrations Bureau, besides providing me with touristy opportunities, also enriched my learning experience. Moreover, I was rather captivated by the speakers at Itochu Corporation who were present to share their legal knowledge and impress upon us the significance of law within the commercial context.
The lecturers were very knowledgeable in their respective fields so lessons conducted were academically rigorous. I found it helpful to have a brief look at the handouts provided before class so that I could follow the lectures better. The Law in Japan Program Secretariat was fantastic and meticulous in ensuring our welfare so that we could enjoy our program to its fullest.
Law in Japan has given me the opportunity to forge many international friendships. I really enjoyed the moments spent hanging out with my classmates, be it during or after classes. Two weeks passes by really quickly so I would encourage all participants to make the most of their time during the program! (Third year student, from Singapore)