Participant Voice (2017)

Here are some comments on our summer program this year!
“This program was an incredible experience and fantastic opportunity to engage with Japanese law in a friendly, short-term environment that focused on not only on legal perspectives and differing principles, but also how culture and history has shaped regulation and governance in Japan in direct contrast to our home countries. As a result of this program I feel better equipped to pursue law within my own home country as well as pursue international opportunities in Japan, and have had a first-hand experience on Japanese cultural values sculpting historical events within the law. I thoroughly enjoyed undertaking this course and would love to pursue future study at Meiji University or similar universities in Japan. Arigatou Gozaimasu!!!”
“Thank you for the opportunity to attend this program and learn about the legal system in Japan. I hope to be able to put everything I have learned to practical use at some period of time in my career as a legal professional in my country.”
“I really appreciate how we got printouts of the powerpoints for each lecture! This was very convenient and appreciated. I also appreciate that field trip transport was paid for (ex. Subway tickets). Other programs I have participated in did not do so, therefore thank you very much!”
“I learnt a lot and in a more comprehensive way to understand the differences between two legal systems in Japan and in my country which is surprisingly impressive. I really love all the events and lectures that was offered by this programs.”
“The program was an excellent mix between interesting field trips, very educational lectures and sympathetic and very competent professors. Overall I enjoyed the program a lot and I would recommend the program to everyone.”
“I would gladly recommend this program to the law students of my University, and my friends from other countries who are studying law because comparative study is always a better way to learn and understand the differences of culture, law , and other matters. I will miss my fellow delegates so much, and the university people itself.”