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Admission Policy

Ideals of Desirable Students Whom We Welcome

The School of Law has adopted “Development of Legal Minds Backed by Humanity and Internationality” as its education philosophy. This is a paraphrase of Meiji University’s guiding principles, “Rights and Liberty, Independence and Self-government” in modern language, and is centered on ideas of dignity of individuals, and mercifulness and co-existing with other people.

Under this education philosophy, the School of Law provides wide-ranging advanced liberal arts education, basic and advanced legal education in various fields, and sets as its education goal the fostering of independent leaders of civil society who can respond to expectations of modern society by cultivating a rich sense of humanity, sensitivity to human rights and legal minds based on the education mentioned above.

To accomplish these education goals satisfactorily, the following types of students are welcomed to the School of Law:
1 those who have a spirit of self-sufficiency and are voluntarily motivated to learn;
2 those who are interested in the society and are motivated to explore phenomena from a wide perspective;
3 those who have a spirit of understanding and have the ability to strive for co-existence with other people;
4 those who have the ability to think logically; and
5 those who are receptive to cross-cultural exchange.

Efforts in Learning in High School or Other Educational Facilities Expected of Applicants for Enrollment

For the purpose of developing legal literacy (logical thinking, judgement and expression), which the School of Law aims for, it is necessary to learn wide-ranging subjects in high school or other educational facilities as well as after entering the university. Therefore, the School of Law administers not only the general entrance examination in which entrance subjects consist of Japanese language, foreign language, history and geography, and civics, but also the entrance examination via the Common Test for University Admissions and the entrance examination for all departments in which various subjects related to science and mathematics can be selected as exam subjects. In addition, in the entrance examination for students educated in foreign countries and the entrance examinations for international students, internationality and the ability to understand different cultures counts.

Those who study law must understand complicated legal terms. This means that a certain level of verbal aptitude is essential. Learning of foreign languages is also helpful for understanding laws because interpretation and operation of laws are similar to mastering a foreign language in the course of which the quest for appropriate words for each situation is required. Needless to say, foreign languages such as English are important in the modern era, where internationality is required, and for that reason, taking courses in two or more languages is made compulsory at the School of Law. We expect of each applicant sufficient academic ability to cover the whole scope of knowledge of foreign languages that should be acquired by the time the applicant finishes high school or other educational facilities.

In addition, because laws are inseparable from society, a basic understanding of Japanese history and world history, politics and economics, geography, etc. are necessary. We particularly place much value on the history of modern civil society and social situations. Because the ability to think logically is also essential in study law, learning of subjects in a science field such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, is also beneficial.

As seen above, the School of Law requires applicants for enrollment to learn wide-ranging subjects in high school or other educational facilities.