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明治大学 研究・知財戦略機構

Palaeoenvironment and lithic raw material acquisition
during MIS2 and early MIS1: a comparative perspective

日時:2017年10月28日(土) 9:00〜17:15(開場:8:30)
会場:明治大学駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン8F A7-8会議室 http://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/about/campus/surugadai.html
                  事務局(島田和高): moirai3sis2@gmail.com
※ 当日配布資料あり
※ 昼食の用意はございませんので,銘々でご準備ください.

Elucidation of correlations between palaeoenvironment and lithic raw material acquisition is one of the key issues of prehistoric studies worldwide. Results of human access to various lithic raw materials, irrespective of local or non-local rocks, are exactly remain at the given archaeological site compare to organic materials such as animal bones and wooden materials which delicately depend on local soil conditions of preservation. This workshop covers the time range during MIS2 and the early Holocene, and aims to discuss on these topics with particular emphasis on comparative perspective between Europe and East Asia. Specifically, Pleistocene-Holocene transitional period gave strong impact on human subsistence of raw material acquisition and life ways in rapid environmental changes. Archaeological interpretations of lithic raw material acquisition and distribution pattern or transportation systems have developed in various areas with many case studies on different lithic raw materials. We focus therefore on the commonality and difference of hunting and gathering strategies, lithic raw material transportation, distribution patterns between Central Europe and Japanese islands. As fundamental issues, obsidian provenance studies, and the traceological studies will also be discussed in this workshop.

9:00-9:05 Welcome address
 ・Yoshiro Abe (Director of the Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies)
9:05-9:15 Opening address by the organizer
 ・Akira Ono (Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University, Japan)
 1.Dieter Schäfer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
 ・The landscape archaeological project Ullafelsen (Austria) : updated results
 2.Stefano Bertola(University of Innsbruck, Austria)
 ・Lithic raw material exploitation and circulation in Tyrol during early MIS1: The case-study of
the Ullafelsen site (Sellrain, Innsbruck)
 3.Akira Ono (Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University, Japan)
 ・Obsidian acquisition and migration range in the Upper Plalaeolithic: A case of Mattobara site,
north central Japan
 4.Ryuzo Fujiyama (Archaeology Department, Meiji University, Japan)
 ・Early Holocene human adaptation in the Japanese Archipelago
 5.Alfred Pawlik (University of the Philippines, the Philippines)
 ・Human migration and maritime adaptation in the Philippines from the late Pleistocene to
early/mid Holocene
<Lunch break> Poster session core time 12:30-13:30
 6.Hiroyuki Murata (Nagawa Town Board of Education, Japan )
 ・Use-wear analysis of stone tools from Nagawa (Nagano Prefecture, Japan)
 7.Hidehisa Mashima (Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University, Japan)
 ・Sourcing of Japanese obsidian with XRF
 8.Akihiro Yoshida (Geography Department, Kagohima University, Japan)
 ・Impact of landscape changes on obsidian exploitation since the Palaeolithic in the central
highland of Japan: Recent advance and some issue on palaeoenvironmental study
 9.Kazutaka Shimada (University Museum, Meiji University, Japan)
 ・Obsidian procurement and accumulation process of a lithic assemblage at the Early Upper
Palaeolithic site of Hiroppara II, Central Highlands, Japan
 10.Jun Hashizume (Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University, Japan)
 ・Human activity in and around obsidian sources: A case study from the Hirropara site I, Central
  Highlands of Japan

Organizing committee:
Yoshiro Abe
Akira Ono
Kazutaka Shimada, Secretariat: moirai3sis2@gmail.com
Hidehisa Mashima (COLS)
Jun Hashizume (COLS)

Sponsored by:
・Meiji University International Exchange Fund
・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B),   
・Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University