Go Forward

L・Jさんの声 (2017年度参加:女子,参加当時2年生)

Carpe diem (to seize the moment and enjoy the day)

Q1 研修に参加して良かったと思うことは何ですか?

 Staying in Cambridge for one month becomes a very precious experience for me in various aspects.


 Firstly, by sharing the same campus and having lectures together, members who joined this program have built a good relationship with each other. We talked a lot during this summer and came to understand more about each other, such as our lifestyle patterns, favorite food, sports and so on. Members developed a deeper understanding of each other and still keep in touch after this program.


 Moreover, some of my dreams came true during this month. For example, I am a fan of Les Miserables, the fantastic artistic work by Victor Hugo. This masterpiece is presented every week at the Queen Theatre, which is located in London. Since Cambridge is not far from London, to hear those famous songs live was easier and cheaper than in Japan. Besides, I also visited many world heritage sites in a short time, for UK is a country with a long history.

Q2 研修に参加したことで、 どんな力がつきましたか? どんな点が成長したと思いますか?

 Professors in Cambridge encourage students to voice their opinions and ask questions actively. They think it important that students do the input and output in lectures. I learnt that there’s no standard answer for every question. What we should do is to be open-minded, active and willing to share our thoughts. Every piece of opinion from students could be excellent and unique. For this reason, I feel that I have become more confident in using English.

Q3 研修に参加したことで、今後の学習面と将来のキャリアに関し、どんな気づきがありましたか?

 In Meiji University, I am a student of the international law course. However, before  this program, news about the UK didn’t attract my attention very much. For me, it seemed like a country far from Asia. After one month studying in Cambridge, I start to search for information by myself and would like to know what the UK law system will be like after leaving EU. Moreover, I have also decided to attend a seminar which is related to international affairs in the third and fourth grade. In the future, my dream is to work in an international organization and devote myself to regional economic development and peace.

Q4 研修中の一番の思い出は何ですか?

 The most impressive event in Cambridge was the Mock trial. Members were divided into two groups: the defendant and the plaintiff. Each group should do the team work very well.Nobody knew what question another group might ask at the trial. Every response could be a key that would affect judgement given by jury. It was a very exciting and nervous trial.

Q5 未来の参加者へのメッセージ

 This program does not only provide a chance to learn English and the EU law but also a better understanding of your own self. The style of lecture is totally different from what students have been used to in Japan. Experiencing this and looking for some instability in life will be a good motivation that pushes you to be the person you want to be. Please do not hesitate to join this program and enjoy the student life by challenging different things as much as possible.