Go Forward

エルウッド ジェームズ アンドリュー ELWOOD James Andrew

エルウッド ジェームズ アンドリュー ELWOOD James Andrew
職格 専任教授
学位 博士(教育学)
研究業績等 教員データベース
専攻分野(研究分野) 外国語教育、第二言語習得


Technology use in English education, psychometric measurement.
To better understand and thereby facilitate the complex process of acquiring a foreign language, my interests focus on cognitive variables such as international posture and WTC as well as the challenge of quantifying them. Moreover, given the ubiquitous nature of technology in today’s world, its effective use in the foreign language classroom is a second focus.



講義概要をさらに詳しく見る(Oh-o!Meiji System)
