Mr. Takamasa Ose, a second year graduate student in the Applied Chemistry Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology (Kazukiyo Nagai Lab) was presented with the Student Paper Award at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Membrane Society of Japan held on 12-13 May at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Tokyo Waterfront.
His presentation theme was “A new free volume model for gas permeation based on refractive index of polymer membranes.” The paper presented the results of joint research between three labs, the Kazukiyo Nagai Lab, Applied Chemistry; Hironaga Matsumoto Lab, Electronics and Bioinformatics; and the Setsuko Matsumoto Lab, Physics.
The paper details research on antireflection film for next generation thin film displays and it was chosen from among papers submitted by students both in Japan and overseas, including those on post-doctoral courses.
The Membrane Society of Japan website