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Holding of an international symposium co-hosted by the Meiji Institute for Global Affairs and the Tokyo Foundation titled “What Kind of ‘Superpower’ is China?”

Apr. 14, 2016

The Meiji Institute for Global Affairs and the Tokyo Foundation will be holding an international symposium titled “What Kind of ‘Superpower’ is China?” (Advance registration is required, attendance is free of charge. Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and English will be available.)

What implications does China’s current status as a superpower and its future course have for the peace, stability, and development of the Asia-Pacific region, where there is a complicated interdependent relationship between Japan, the U.S., China, South Korea, ASEAN, and others? The symposium will be devoted to discussion on the future of China and the Asia-Pacific region by experts on relations among Japan, the United States, China, and ASEAN countries who will serve as the panelists. The keynote speaker will be Masahiko Komura, Vice-President of the Liberal Democratic Party, and the symposium will be moderated by Yoriko Kawaguchi, Professor of Meiji University (Distinguished Fellow of the Tokyo Foundation and former Minister for Foreign Affairs).

Date and time: April 25 (Mon.), 1:00 – 4:50 PM (Registration starts at 12:30 PM)
Place: Global Hall, Global Front, Surugadai Campus, Meiji University (1-1 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Organizers: Meiji Institute for Global Affairs, Tokyo Foundation
General application: Please apply using the online registration form found at the URL below. 

Keynote speech: Masahiko Komura (Vice-President, Liberal Democratic Party)
“Legislation for Peace and Security - Peace in Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region” Panel discussion
Wang Yizhou (Associate Dean, School of International Studies, Peking University)
Ke Long (Senior Fellow, Fujitsu Research Institute)
Xiao Geng (Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong; Non-Executive Director, HSBC)
Toshiya Tsugami (President, Tsugami Workshop/former Director, Northeast Asia Division, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Masaharu Hishida (Professor, Faculty of Law, Hosei University)
Evi Fitriani (Head, International Relations Department, Universitas Indonesia)
Eric Heginbotham (Principal Research Scientist, MIT Center for International Studies)
Yuji Miyamoto (Chairman, Miyamoto Institute of Asian Research/ former Japanese Ambassador to China)

>Leaflet of this symposium