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[School of Agriculture] Two members of Nematology Laboratory win the Best Presentation Award for Students and the Best Presentation Award for Young Researchers at the 30th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Nematological Society

Oct. 13, 2023

IKEDA Yuya (left) and Assistant Professor EKINO Taisuke<br/>

IKEDA Yuya (left) and Assistant Professor EKINO Taisuke

At the 30th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Nematological Society, held on September 6-7, 2023, IKEDA Yuya, a first-year Ph.D. student in Nematology Laboratory (Associate Professor SHINYA Ryoji) in the Department of Agriculture, won the Best Presentation Award for Students, and Assistant Professor EKINO Taisuke won the Best Presentation Award for Young Researchers.

IKEDA Yuya: Investigations aimed at elucidating the ecology of the viviparous nematode Tokorhabditis atripennis
Assistant Professor EKINO Taisuke: Understanding the cell body locations of sensory neurons in pine wood nematode.

Japanese version