News & Events

Halloween Party by MuBO was held

Oct. 30, 2023

Event photo

Event photo

Event photo

Event photo

Ice breaking game

Ice breaking game

MuBO Members

MuBO Members

MuBO (Meiji University Borderless Organization), a student organization that supports study abroad and promotes international exchange among Meiji University students, held a Halloween party on the evening of Thursday, October 26 at the Global Front 17th floor with the cooperation of the International Student Office.

About 60 students attended the party, many in fancy dress costumes. Not only Japanese students but also international students from various countries attended.

At the beginning of the party, as an ice-breaker, participants formed groups based on the numbers given out at the reception and had a quiz game about Halloween and Meiji University. They also enjoyed sweets and drinks, took pictures, and engaged in conversation in both English and Japanese. At the end of the event, eight best dressers were selected and awarded with Meijirou goods.

The event was a great success, with participants saying they would like to participate again, that they made friends because of this event, and that they look forward to the next event.

MuBO is also planning to hold a Christmas party in December and will continue to promote international exchange at Meiji University. Please check the organization's Instagram for the latest information.

MuBO (Meiji University Borderless Organization), an international exchange group