Precautions for Face to Face Classes
Sep. 08, 2020
To all students and faculty members who have Fall Semester classes in 2020
Meiji University has decided to resume classes in the 2020 Fall Semester, starting from September 21.
While mainly conducting online classes this coming semester, we aim to run hybrid classes that incorporate as many face-to-face class sessions as possible.
However, if a cluster of COVID-19 infections occurs in the university after face-to-face classes resume, all classes will be forced to switch back to online classes. As you may already know, some universities in the United States had to change back to online classes shortly after hybrid classes started, because of the occurrence of clusters of the COVID-19 infections on campus.
In order to prevent this sort of problem, the university will implement measures to prevent infections as far as possible. However, it is very important for all students and faculty members who participate in face-to-face classes responsibly. This means that everyone should abide by the principle, "I will not get infected and nor will I spread the infection to others." This should apply both on and off the university campus.
From this point of view, we would like to remind all students and faculty members participating in face-to-face classes to comply with the following rules.
1 Healthcare and Prevention Measures against COVID-19
✓ Please try to prevent infection more than ever before.
✓ Please wash your hands and gargle often.
✓ Please wear a mask in all public spaces such as classrooms.
✓ Please strictly avoid the 3Cs (Closed Spaces, Crowded Spaces, and Close-contact Settings) and maintain appropriate physical distance (At least 2 meters).
✓ Please stay healthy by getting enough sleep, having a balanced diet, and taking moderate exercise.
✓ Please stay home when you feel ill such as having a fever, cough, malaise (general feeling of being unwell), dysosmia (disorder in the sense of smell).
Under such conditions, entering the university campus is strictly prohibited. If you are not taking any medicine and your symptoms disappear, you will not be able to enter the campus until after three days have passed.).
✓ Please consult a doctor immediately, if you have persistent symptoms suggesting the COVID-19 infection.
✓ Please refrain from eating and drinking together with others (Drinking parties, gatherings, going to karaoke etc.) until the infection dies down.
✓ Please carefully follow the instructions from Meiji University, the Japanese Government, and local authorities that are issued from time to time, and act in accordance with these instructions.
2 Entry to University facilities
✓ Please be sure to follow the "Entry criteria for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 infections" established by the University, when entering campus facilities.
✓ Please stay home, if your temperature is higher than usual (Approximately 37.5 degrees Celsius or more) or you feel sick.
✓ Please bring your student ID card or staff ID card with you, when entering campus facilities. Swiping your ID card is mandatory for entry.
✓ Please be sure to take your temperature using the non-contact thermometer installed at each campus.
✓ Please wear a face mask, while being careful to avoid heat stroke, when entering campus facilities.
✓ Please disinfect your hands, including your fingers with the disinfectant solution provided at the entrance of each facility, and wash hands with soap very often.
✓ Please go home immediately, if you feel anxious about your physical condition after coming to the university. Before leaving university facilities, please contact university staff, including those at the clinic.
✓ Please strictly avoid the 3Cs (Closed Spaces, Crowded Spaces, and Close-contact Settings) and maintain appropriate physical distance (At least 2meters of social distancing).
✓ Please refrain from unnecessary chatting in order to prevent droplet infection, and also make extra efforts to reduce the risk of contact infection.
✓ If you feel you have a fever or a cold within 2 to 3 days after last leaving the campus, please be sure to contact your school office immediately.
✓ Please go home as soon as possible after class.
3 To the Faculty members
✓ Please cancel your face-to face classes if you feel sick or feverish.
✓ Please note that attending face-to face classes is voluntary. Please give full consideration to those students who do not wish to take face-to-face classes.
✓ Please provide those students who do not wish to take face-to-face classes with alternative class formats such as an online class.
✓ Please notify the students in advance that their grades will not be affected even if they do not attend face-to-face classes.
✓ Please wear a mask or face covering when conducting classes.
✓ Please refrain from making comments or taking actions that disregard the regulations concerning the spread of COVID-19 infection.
✓ Please do not keep your students late after class.
As a member of Meiji University, all students and faculty member are requested to be aware that compliance with the above is an essential condition for maintaining a safe campus environment and for protecting the safety and health of all members of Meiji University and society as a whole.
Precautions for Face to Face Classes
Meiji University has decided to resume classes in the 2020 Fall Semester, starting from September 21.
While mainly conducting online classes this coming semester, we aim to run hybrid classes that incorporate as many face-to-face class sessions as possible.
However, if a cluster of COVID-19 infections occurs in the university after face-to-face classes resume, all classes will be forced to switch back to online classes. As you may already know, some universities in the United States had to change back to online classes shortly after hybrid classes started, because of the occurrence of clusters of the COVID-19 infections on campus.
In order to prevent this sort of problem, the university will implement measures to prevent infections as far as possible. However, it is very important for all students and faculty members who participate in face-to-face classes responsibly. This means that everyone should abide by the principle, "I will not get infected and nor will I spread the infection to others." This should apply both on and off the university campus.
From this point of view, we would like to remind all students and faculty members participating in face-to-face classes to comply with the following rules.
1 Healthcare and Prevention Measures against COVID-19
✓ Please try to prevent infection more than ever before.
✓ Please wash your hands and gargle often.
✓ Please wear a mask in all public spaces such as classrooms.
✓ Please strictly avoid the 3Cs (Closed Spaces, Crowded Spaces, and Close-contact Settings) and maintain appropriate physical distance (At least 2 meters).
✓ Please stay healthy by getting enough sleep, having a balanced diet, and taking moderate exercise.
✓ Please stay home when you feel ill such as having a fever, cough, malaise (general feeling of being unwell), dysosmia (disorder in the sense of smell).
Under such conditions, entering the university campus is strictly prohibited. If you are not taking any medicine and your symptoms disappear, you will not be able to enter the campus until after three days have passed.).
✓ Please consult a doctor immediately, if you have persistent symptoms suggesting the COVID-19 infection.
✓ Please refrain from eating and drinking together with others (Drinking parties, gatherings, going to karaoke etc.) until the infection dies down.
✓ Please carefully follow the instructions from Meiji University, the Japanese Government, and local authorities that are issued from time to time, and act in accordance with these instructions.
2 Entry to University facilities
✓ Please be sure to follow the "Entry criteria for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 infections" established by the University, when entering campus facilities.
✓ Please stay home, if your temperature is higher than usual (Approximately 37.5 degrees Celsius or more) or you feel sick.
✓ Please bring your student ID card or staff ID card with you, when entering campus facilities. Swiping your ID card is mandatory for entry.
✓ Please be sure to take your temperature using the non-contact thermometer installed at each campus.
✓ Please wear a face mask, while being careful to avoid heat stroke, when entering campus facilities.
✓ Please disinfect your hands, including your fingers with the disinfectant solution provided at the entrance of each facility, and wash hands with soap very often.
✓ Please go home immediately, if you feel anxious about your physical condition after coming to the university. Before leaving university facilities, please contact university staff, including those at the clinic.
✓ Please strictly avoid the 3Cs (Closed Spaces, Crowded Spaces, and Close-contact Settings) and maintain appropriate physical distance (At least 2meters of social distancing).
✓ Please refrain from unnecessary chatting in order to prevent droplet infection, and also make extra efforts to reduce the risk of contact infection.
✓ If you feel you have a fever or a cold within 2 to 3 days after last leaving the campus, please be sure to contact your school office immediately.
✓ Please go home as soon as possible after class.
3 To the Faculty members
✓ Please cancel your face-to face classes if you feel sick or feverish.
✓ Please note that attending face-to face classes is voluntary. Please give full consideration to those students who do not wish to take face-to-face classes.
✓ Please provide those students who do not wish to take face-to-face classes with alternative class formats such as an online class.
✓ Please notify the students in advance that their grades will not be affected even if they do not attend face-to-face classes.
✓ Please wear a mask or face covering when conducting classes.
✓ Please refrain from making comments or taking actions that disregard the regulations concerning the spread of COVID-19 infection.
✓ Please do not keep your students late after class.
As a member of Meiji University, all students and faculty member are requested to be aware that compliance with the above is an essential condition for maintaining a safe campus environment and for protecting the safety and health of all members of Meiji University and society as a whole.