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[School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences] FUJISAWA Hidehiko and Professor MIYASHITA Homei of the Department of Frontier Media Science receive the WISS 2023 Interactive Presentation Award

Dec. 21, 2023

Demonstrated curry soup<br/>

Demonstrated curry soup

Awards ceremony<br/>

Awards ceremony

Demonstration display scene<br/>

Demonstration display scene

Demonstration booth

Demonstration booth
A research project called “Taste-Time Traveler: A Taste AR Device that Adjusts the Time of Food” by FUJISAWA Hidehiko, a third-year student in the Department of Frontier Media Science, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, and Professor MIYASHITA Homei of the same department won the Interactive Presentation Award (General) at the 31st Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (WISS 2023) held from November 29 to December 1, 2023. This award is given to a demo/poster presentation that is voted by the participants of the conference as outstanding presentation.

In this research, FUJISAWA and Professor MIYASHITA proposed a time machine system that reproduces changes in the taste of food over time. The taste of food placed into the device can be brought forward or backward in time by turning the displayed dial the desired number of days. This enables instant aging equivalent to that of resting a curry for a day, or restoring the taste of an overripe tomato to how it was when it was fresh.

In the demonstration, a time adjustment of the taste of curry soup was demonstrated, and the people who experienced it realized how the taste changed.

FUJISAWA Hidehiko and MIYASHITA Homei. Taste-Time Traveler: A Taste AR Device that Adjusts the Time of Food, Proceedings of WISS 2023, 2023.

Japanese version

Taste-Time Traveler: A Taste AR Device that Adjusts the Time of Food