Oct. 30, 2024
HYODO Rihito, a second-year doctoral student in the NAKAMURA Laboratory, was selected as one of the three young outstanding poster award winners at the poster session at the Dairy Science Symposium 2024 held at Tokyo Seiei College on September 13.
The presentation title is “Differences in acidity intensity in yogurt with different starter lactobacilli: Differences in casein network structure affect physical properties and acidity.” In this research, it was clarified that the acidity intensity of yoghurt also depends on the difference in process of breaking the gel structure by mastication. In addition, as for the reason for the difference in gel structure, it was clarified that extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) was involved in the formation of network structure of casein micelles during fermentation. As described above, this research is concerned with flavor and structure, which are important for the taste of food.