HAGIWARA Asuka, a fourth-year student, and Professor NAKAMURA Kazuyuki in the Department of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis of the School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences received the Encouragement Award in the baseball division at the Sports Data Science Competition 2023 sponsored by the Sports Data Science Subcommittee of the Japan Statistical Society and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics of the Research Organization of Information and Systems.
The Incentive Award is one of the special awards given in each division for excellent presentations in the competition and is awarded to a team composed of undergraduate students, not including the representative member (teacher).
Presentation title: SEM analysis of swing tendency considering target pitches and courses of batters and application to the method of getting batters out.
Presentation summary:
The paper presents an analysis of the intention of batters in baseball, which aims to identify their target and swing tendencies based on their reactions in swings and situations and to elucidate the sequence of pitches that are easy to get batters out. SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), one statistical method, was used to construct a new model for this analysis. In addition, the actual target and trend of each player were clarified using the data provided in the competition.
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