[School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences] Professor MIYASHITA Homei wins the Interaction 2024 Interactive Presentation Award
Mar. 29, 2024
Awards ceremony
Overview presentation
Overview presentation
Professor MIYASHITA Homei of the Department of Frontier Media Science, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences received the Interactive Presentation Award (public vote) at the Information Processing Society of Japan Symposium “Interaction 2024.”
Professor MIYASHITA gave a demonstration of the “Chronospoon: a spoon-shaped device that (taste time machine) controls the passage of time”, which can reproduce the taste of food shown in videos, whether in black and white or animated, and was selected by voting participants. They were also selected as a Premium Presentation through screening by the program committee.
Professor MIYASHITA has been developing “taste time machine technology” that changes the taste of food over time, with the goal of extending the shelf life of food and reducing food waste. By measuring changes in taste over time, especially the aging process, using taste sensors, and modeling the amount of added taste substances as a mathematical equation, it is possible to manipulate changes in food taste over time.
In this paper, a spoon-shaped device called a “Chronospoon” is used to achieve forward and reverse changes in taste with only a single tank, using liquid mixed at a constant ratio. This has made the device smaller (75 g) than conventional seasoning appliances, successfully developing a practical seasoning tableware.
MIYASHITA Homei. Chronospoon: a spoon-shaped device that (taste time machine) controls the passage of time, Proceedings of Interaction 2024, pp.404- 409, 2024
≪Japanese version≫
Professor MIYASHITA gave a demonstration of the “Chronospoon: a spoon-shaped device that (taste time machine) controls the passage of time”, which can reproduce the taste of food shown in videos, whether in black and white or animated, and was selected by voting participants. They were also selected as a Premium Presentation through screening by the program committee.
Professor MIYASHITA has been developing “taste time machine technology” that changes the taste of food over time, with the goal of extending the shelf life of food and reducing food waste. By measuring changes in taste over time, especially the aging process, using taste sensors, and modeling the amount of added taste substances as a mathematical equation, it is possible to manipulate changes in food taste over time.
In this paper, a spoon-shaped device called a “Chronospoon” is used to achieve forward and reverse changes in taste with only a single tank, using liquid mixed at a constant ratio. This has made the device smaller (75 g) than conventional seasoning appliances, successfully developing a practical seasoning tableware.
MIYASHITA Homei. Chronospoon: a spoon-shaped device that (taste time machine) controls the passage of time, Proceedings of Interaction 2024, pp.404- 409, 2024
≪Japanese version≫