Here at the Meiji University Graduate School of Law, we offer Master’s Degree Programs in public and civil law.
In the Masters’ Public Law Program, students may choose from a Legal Researcher Training Course and a Advanced Professional Training Course. Each course provides students with grounding not only in the fundamental subjects of positive law relevant to their various fields of study, but also in a range of subjects pertaining to cutting-edge fields. Our goal is to develop students into highly skilled legal experts and law researchers with the mindset and ability to work autonomously.
There is also a Doctorate Program in public law, through which we aim to further develop students’ abilities to pursue their research independently. The program has a broad focus, taking in comparative law and fundamental law, as well as other subjects in cutting-edge fields, in order that the students may build up an extensive knowledge and nurture their innate creativity.
Meanwhile, the Civil Law Master’s Degree Program also has a Legal Researcher Training Course and a Advanced Professional Training Course. Here, too, in addition to providing students with grounding in subjects of positive law relevant to the Civil Code and Commercial Code, the courses comprise range of subjects in the cutting-edge fields and basic laws. Our goal is to instill in students the skills necessary to work as researchers and professionals in this most specialized of fields.
There is also a Doctorate Program in civil law. The program has a broad focus, taking in comparative law and fundamental law, as well as other subjects in cutting-edge fields. Our goal is to develop the advanced research capabilities needed to function independently at this level of the study of law, and also to ensure that the students have a solid foundation of academic ability on which to base those advanced skills.