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Exchange Student Program

Application for the Exchange Student Program

Application for the 2025 Exchange Student Program is now open.

Please read the application guideline carefully and submit the application documents by the deadline.
Please note that all the application documents must be submitted by the program coordinator at your home university.

【Application Guideline】
★ Application Guideline (JPN)
★ Application Guideline (ENG)

【Application documents (designated form)】
● Application Form
● Housing Request Form
● Application for the Certificate of Eligibility
● Certificate of Health (Must be completed by a doctor)
● Health Report Form
● Statement of Financial Support
● Study Plan(1,000-2,000 words)
● Japanese Language Proficiency Certificate

Classes taught in English (For reference)

 School of Arts and Letters offers classes taught in English.
For the classes taught in English at our School, please refer to the following list.
※These are the current courses being offered and are subject to change in the future.