Professional Graduate School
Professional Graduate School
ノーベル経済学賞受賞者Finn E.Kydland博士特別講演会のご案内
Nobel Laureate Lecture by Professor Finn E. Kydland
Nobel Laureate Lecture by Professor Finn E. Kydland
As part of the JAPAN-ASEAN BRIDGES series facilitated by the International Peace Foundation (IPF)*, Prof. Finn E. Kydland, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Economics, has been invited to Meiji University to give a special lecture. Everyone is welcome to attend free of charge. Please register through the application form if you are interested in this event.
*As a contribution to the United Nations' efforts to foster a culture of peace and non-violence in support of education in the ASEAN region, the foundation promotes activities to return world-class research and educational achievements to society in Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and Laos.
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2024年3月9日(土)/ 9 March 2024
開演Start14:00 (開場Open13:30)/終了予定End16:00
Academy Hall, 3rd floor, Academy Common Bld., Surugadai Campus, Meiji University
フィン・キドランド博士(ノーベル経済学賞)/Prof. Finn E. Kydland, Nobel Laureate for Economics
テーマ/Theme:Peace and economic development in the age of globalization
*Simultaneous interpretation from English to Japanese is available.
■参加費/Application Fees
Free of charge (Open to public)
■申込方法/How to apply
Application has closed.
*It may be closed, when the number is reached to the capacity.
Professional Graduate School Office, Meiji Business School Office
Email: guroken◆mics.meiji.ac.jp
*Replace ◆ with @ to email
■フィン・キドランド博士/Prof. Finn E. Kydland
Prof. Finn Erling Kydland is an economist, born in Norway. He studied at the Norwegian School of Economics and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, where he later joined the Tepper School of Business. In 2004 he was named the Jeff Henley Chair in Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He shared the Nobel Prize for Economics with Prof. Edward C. Prescott for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics, specifically the intertemporal inconsistency of optimal economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles. Professors Kydland and Prescott influenced the monetary and fiscal policies of governments and laid the basis for the increased independence of many central banks, notably those in the United Kingdom, Sweden and New Zealand. The pair demonstrated that technology changes or supply shocks, such as oil price hikes, could be reflected in investment and relative price movements and thereby create short-term fluctuations around the long-term economic growth path.

Prof. Finn E. Kydland, Nobel Laureate for Economics

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専門職大学院事務室/Professional Graduate School Office
駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン10階
〒101-8301 東京都千代田区神田駿河台1-1
事務取扱時間/Business Hours
月~金/Weeddays 15:00~21:00 土/Saturedays 12:30~18:00
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