Organization of the Alumni Association
Former prime minister and Meiji alumni, Mr. Tomiichi Murayama make a speech at the alumni meeting
The Meiji University Alumni Association was reborn as a new alumni association based on new association rules from April 2003. The new Alumni Association is composed of branches in each administrative division in Japan and abroad, and under the new association rules, all alumni are Alumni Association members of any one of the 54 branches nationwide (on the prefectural level) where they live. Joining a regional branch under these branches is optional, but this serves as the foundation for activities of the alumni association as a subordinate organization to the branches. The Alumni Association, based on a chairperson selected by a general assembly of delegates, is managed based on the decisions of a council of branch chairpersons composed of the association chairperson, vice chairperson and chairpersons from each prefectural unit.
Operations of the Alumni Association
A general assembly of the branches is held once a year and various events are planned. Public lectures, concerts and so on are jointly sponsored with the University as branch events. Regular General Assemblies of Delegates, the highest decision-making body, are held by branch chairpersons nationwide, the branch secretary-general, and designated branch delegates and regional branch chairpersons, who meet to discuss the Association's activity policies, budget, etc. Additionally, with the aims of friendship and exchange, a national Alumni Association Conference is held once a year at a scenic location where Meiji University alumni associations gather from all over Japan.
The Alumni Association also contributes to education and research at Meiji University through scholarship benefits for undergraduate and graduate students and subsidies for University memorial events and public symposiums sponsored by international associations or universities, etc. It also awards grants to enrolled University students for extracurricular activities such as in academic culture and sports and conducts award ceremonies for students with excellent academic or activity performance upon graduation.
Every year at the University a reunion is held for graduates 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years from graduation and the Alumni Association cooperates fully with these events, providing raffle prizes and participation in national trade exhibitions.
Networking of the Alumni Association
Alumni Reunion
The Alumni Association has regional branches throughout Japan. These are established so that no matter where an alumnus lives, moves, or is relocated, he or she can participate at any other branch for friendship, exchange and activities to support the alma mater.
There is a Korean branch and a Taiwan branch abroad. Also, Shikon-kai, which is an alumni organization, is in Shanghai, Thailand, New York, Malaysia, Sydney, Jakarta, Beijing, Germany, Canada, Manila, India, and so on. In this way, international cooperation is enhanced through global networks.