大学院経営学研究論集第53号・第54号の募集要項について Details of Studies in Business Administration No.53-54
明治大学 大学院事務室
Due to influence of COVID-19, We change contents of website(1st April 2020 renewal)
経営学研究論集提出予定者 各位
*English follows Japanese.
Students who are planning to submit the paper to Studies in Business Administration No.53 and 54 must refer to the application guidelines below.
Make sure to contact your supervisor about the title and the contents in advance to submission.
All application forms are available on this website.
【論文提出期間】Submission Period
No.53: From April 3 (Fri) to 3:00 pm, April 8 (Wed)
⇒Due to influence of COVID-19, we decided to prohibit submission of application.
If you want to know detail of submission, please check Oh-o!Meiji systems that we will notice.
And, If you are the students that cannot receive notice (freshman or graduate students),
Please contact by tel to the person who in charge of Business Administration.
No.54: From August 28 (Fri) to 3:00 pm, August 31 (Mon)
【関係書類】Materials for application
経営学研究論集関係書類一覧 | |
募集要項・スケジュール・書式例等 (PDF) ・
申請書・審査判定書・表紙等 (MSword・PDF) |
1 大学院『研究論集』論文募集要項 Academic Year 2020 "Graduate School Journal" Application Guidelines (in English) 2 明治大学学術成果リポジトリ運用指針(日本語版) Operational Guidelines for Meiji University Academic Repository (in English) 3 書式例 (横書き) 4 Sample (First page of the body of the paper) 5 添付書類一式 Application Forms(MSword) 6 添付書類一式 Application Forms(PDF) |
※注意事項 申請書の提出者氏名及び指導教員名は、「自署」とすること。 また、審査判定書・表紙等は3部印刷し、提出者氏名は原則「自署」とすること。 |
If you had any trouble downloading the forms above, contact the graduate school office before the submission period.
経営学研究科 TEL 03-3296-4705
- お問い合わせ先
教務事務部 大学院事務室
大学院研究論集担当 03-3296-4705