日本・シンガポール国交樹立50周年を記念し,「Towards Innovative Learning Environments (新しい共創的学びの場の構築に向けて)」と題したMeiji University Global SymposiumをシンガポールのEsplanadeにて2016年10月31日(月)に開催いたします。
Meiji University will be hosting a Meiji University Global Symposium on "Towards Innovative Learning Environments" at the Esplanade Theater, Singapore on October 31, 2016 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Japan and Singapore. This is a certified event for “the 50th Anniversary for Singapore-Japan Diplomatic Relations (SJ50) project”, and will be co-hosted by the Embassy of Japan in Singapore. For detailed information, please refer to the following PDF.
Meiji University Global Symposium @Singapore (PDF will open)