明治大学 学長室
--- English follows Japanese. ---
明治大学は全学の叡智を結集して、この困難な状況の中でも教育機関としての責任を果すべく全力を尽くしています。授業開始に先立つ学習指導については、オンライン動画等を駆使したガイダンスをすでに実施中です。授業についても、感染拡大の状況を注視しながら、対面授業が可能になるまでの期間、Oh-o! Meijiシステム(オンライン授業支援システム)を通じた新入生の皆さんとのコミュニケーション、授業配信等を行い、教育の質を維持する万全の態勢を整えて参ります。
新型コロナウイルス感染症の先行きは未だ不透明で不安に駆られることもあると思いますが、デマやフェイク・ニュースに惑わされることなく、物事の本質をしっかりと見極める力を養いましょう。最後に、アルバート・アインシュタイン博士(Dr. Albert Einstein)の次の言葉を共有したいと思います。
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
April 7, 2020
To Incoming Students of Meiji University and anyone else concerned;
Congratulations to all new students. I would like to extend my heartfelt welcome to you on behalf of the faculty and staff members of Meiji University. It is with great regret that I have not been able to meet with all of you in person to offer my congratulations. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the COVID-19 infection spread to be a pandemic, and the turmoil caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus infection does not appear to be abating. In light of this, the university, being responsible for ensuring the health and safety of its students and all others concerned, decided to cancel the entrance ceremonies in order to prevent the spread of the infection. We sincerely apologize to all new incoming students, their parents and guardians, and all those concerned who have been looking forward to attending the entrance ceremonies, and the start of classes. We ask for your kind understanding at this difficult time.
Meiji University has been making every effort to fulfill its responsibilities as an educational institution under very difficult circumstances. As for the orientations (guidance) scheduled prior to the start of classes, we have already started to provide online video guidance. With regard to regular classes, we are now preparing to start quality online classes by making use of the Oh-o! Meiji System (online class support system). We also plan to open a consultation desk in order to take care of the various concerns of our students.
On this occasion, I would like us all to consider and debate the following issues; Globalization of economic activity has brought immense wealth, which is rare in history. However, it has also created serious problems that transcend national and regional boundaries, such as energy problems, global warming, inequality of wealth, and the spread of novel infectious diseases. Wealth inequality has created a breeding ground of discrimination and has led to the rise of authoritarianism that will not brook any opposition. Global infectious diseases are becoming a serious new threat to the survival of the human race.
Today, universities are expected to play an important role in confronting the problems that threaten the survival and dignity of human beings. They are also expected to develop technologies, systems, and ideas, along with the wisdom to solve these serious problems that human beings now face. With "Rights and Liberty”, “Independence and Self-government” as its guiding principles, we believe that our university must become a base for a research and education hub aiming to create a peaceful society in which everybody can see that life is worth living. I would like everybody to disregard the conventional rules and consider critically the history of civilization that has brought us such unprecedented wealth, and then to tackle the global issues that now threaten the fabric of modern society.
Fortunately, Meiji University is a comprehensive institute of learning, consisting of 10 faculties and 16 Graduate Schools. Thus, it is able to provide an academic environment where our freshmen can study freely without being restricted by the boundaries of their own departments. Also, the university is one of the leading international institutions in Japan, with more than 2,400 foreign students and some 2,100 Japanese students studying abroad each year. I would like you to make the most of this environment in order to foster your talents to contribute to our global society in the future.
The outlook for the spread of the novel coronavirus infection is still uncertain, but please do not be misled by false rumors or fake news, and keep calm. We look forward to seeing you soon on campus at Meiji University.
Finally, I would like to share with you the words of Dr. Albert Einstein:
"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Best regards,
明治大学 学 長
大 六 野 耕 作
大 六 野 耕 作
明治大学は全学の叡智を結集して、この困難な状況の中でも教育機関としての責任を果すべく全力を尽くしています。授業開始に先立つ学習指導については、オンライン動画等を駆使したガイダンスをすでに実施中です。授業についても、感染拡大の状況を注視しながら、対面授業が可能になるまでの期間、Oh-o! Meijiシステム(オンライン授業支援システム)を通じた新入生の皆さんとのコミュニケーション、授業配信等を行い、教育の質を維持する万全の態勢を整えて参ります。
新型コロナウイルス感染症の先行きは未だ不透明で不安に駆られることもあると思いますが、デマやフェイク・ニュースに惑わされることなく、物事の本質をしっかりと見極める力を養いましょう。最後に、アルバート・アインシュタイン博士(Dr. Albert Einstein)の次の言葉を共有したいと思います。
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
以 上
Welcome Address for incoming students by President Kosaku Dairokuno
April 7, 2020
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
To Incoming Students of Meiji University and anyone else concerned;
Congratulations to all new students. I would like to extend my heartfelt welcome to you on behalf of the faculty and staff members of Meiji University. It is with great regret that I have not been able to meet with all of you in person to offer my congratulations. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the COVID-19 infection spread to be a pandemic, and the turmoil caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus infection does not appear to be abating. In light of this, the university, being responsible for ensuring the health and safety of its students and all others concerned, decided to cancel the entrance ceremonies in order to prevent the spread of the infection. We sincerely apologize to all new incoming students, their parents and guardians, and all those concerned who have been looking forward to attending the entrance ceremonies, and the start of classes. We ask for your kind understanding at this difficult time.
Meiji University has been making every effort to fulfill its responsibilities as an educational institution under very difficult circumstances. As for the orientations (guidance) scheduled prior to the start of classes, we have already started to provide online video guidance. With regard to regular classes, we are now preparing to start quality online classes by making use of the Oh-o! Meiji System (online class support system). We also plan to open a consultation desk in order to take care of the various concerns of our students.
On this occasion, I would like us all to consider and debate the following issues; Globalization of economic activity has brought immense wealth, which is rare in history. However, it has also created serious problems that transcend national and regional boundaries, such as energy problems, global warming, inequality of wealth, and the spread of novel infectious diseases. Wealth inequality has created a breeding ground of discrimination and has led to the rise of authoritarianism that will not brook any opposition. Global infectious diseases are becoming a serious new threat to the survival of the human race.
Today, universities are expected to play an important role in confronting the problems that threaten the survival and dignity of human beings. They are also expected to develop technologies, systems, and ideas, along with the wisdom to solve these serious problems that human beings now face. With "Rights and Liberty”, “Independence and Self-government” as its guiding principles, we believe that our university must become a base for a research and education hub aiming to create a peaceful society in which everybody can see that life is worth living. I would like everybody to disregard the conventional rules and consider critically the history of civilization that has brought us such unprecedented wealth, and then to tackle the global issues that now threaten the fabric of modern society.
Fortunately, Meiji University is a comprehensive institute of learning, consisting of 10 faculties and 16 Graduate Schools. Thus, it is able to provide an academic environment where our freshmen can study freely without being restricted by the boundaries of their own departments. Also, the university is one of the leading international institutions in Japan, with more than 2,400 foreign students and some 2,100 Japanese students studying abroad each year. I would like you to make the most of this environment in order to foster your talents to contribute to our global society in the future.
The outlook for the spread of the novel coronavirus infection is still uncertain, but please do not be misled by false rumors or fake news, and keep calm. We look forward to seeing you soon on campus at Meiji University.
Finally, I would like to share with you the words of Dr. Albert Einstein:
"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Best regards,
Kosaku Dairokuno
President, Meiji University