Meiji University Library

For other libraries

[ Language: 日本語 / English ]
This page is for foreign libraries.

Visiting Meiji University Libraries

If your library user wishes to use material from our library, certain procedures need to be undertaken in advance. Please contact the campus library which your user wishes to make use of. You can also make delivery requests for materials that are held by other campus libraries and make use of them at the library that the user wishes visit. (For example, Ikuta library books can be used at the Central library.)
How to submit
  1. Check holdings on WebOPAC.
  2. Email a request to the campus library which the user wishes to visit. Include the following information:
    • Title, (Volume), Call number
    • User’s name
    • Visiting date or period
  3. After receiving our reply, issue a letter of introduction and hand it to the user. On the day of the visit, the user needs to bring the letter of introduction and some ID.

The format of the letter of introduction is not fixed, but it must state the title(s), the call number(s), the user’s name, and the date of use (or period). If the user wishes to use the material on more than one day, the user will need one letter of introduction for each day of use. Please ensure that the necessary number of letters of introduction are prepared and given to the user.
Please replace [at] with @.
  • Central Library : ref [at]
  • Izumi Library : mw-ref [at]
  • Ikuta Library : ms-ref [at]
  • Nakano Library : mn-ref [at]
Use of microforms
If the user wishes to use microforms, please specify the date and time of use. Also indicate how much material is to be viewed and how long it is to be viewed for. Use of the microreader is limited to two hours.
Use of rare books
When using rare books, you need to submit a "Rare Document Inspection Application Form" (Email attachment enabled) in addition to the above procedure.
Points to consider
  • If you would like to copy materials, please prepare some small change to pay for copies. (Librarians cannot provide small change)
  • When copying materials, please comply with copyright laws.
  • With some exceptions, materials reserved by the user will be kept at the reference counter, ready for use on the day. Materials can be kept for up to one week.
  • If you wish to change the date of use, please contact us in advance.

Interlibrary Loan

Meiji University Libraries are happy to lend books and supply copies to other libraries.
  • Submitting requests: By email. *Please submit requests to the library that holds the materials.
  • Fees: B/W 55 yen per sheet, color 110 yen per sheet. *Shipping fees are payable.
  • Payment method: IFLA vouchers *Please mail IFLAs after the copies arrive.
  • Note: Copy requests for rare books cannot be accepted.
  • Submitting requests: By email *Please submit requests to the library that holds the materials.
  • Loan periods: 1 month
  • Fees: Shipping fees are payable.
  • Payment method: IFLA vouchers *Please enclose IFLAs when returning the materials.
  • Notes: Loan requests for rare books cannot be accepted.
Please replace [at] with @.
  • Central Library : ill [at]
  • Izumi Library : mw-ref [at]
  • Ikuta Library : ms-ref [at]
  • Nakano Library : mn-ref [at]