「さくらサイエンスプログラム オンライン大学訪問」を開催しました
明治大学 国際連携事務室
明治大学は、2022年12月17日(土)に、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)とともに、オンラインイベント「さくらサイエンスプログラム オンライン大学訪問」を開催しました。
On Saturday, December 17, 2022, Meiji University, together with the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), held an online event, ”Sakura Science Exchange Program -Online University Visit“. The event was attended by many participants, mainly high school and university students from the Asia-Pacific region and other countries around the world.
In the program, following the introduction about Meiji University, a talk session by three international students, a special lecture by Professor Notomi in the School of Science and Technology, and a Q&A session were streamed from the Surugadai Campus of Meiji University. Participants asked many questions during the program through Q&A box of the ZOOM webinar, making it a valuable opportunity to have those attendees understanding about studying in Japan as well as about Meiji University.
大六野学長によるWelcome Speech/Welcome Speech by President Dairokuno
納冨教授によるSpecial Lecture/Special Lecture by Professor Notomi
Q&Aの様子/Q&A scene
登壇者のみなさん/Faculty members and students as speakers