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【再掲】大学院研究論集第57号・58号の予備登録について(*Important* Details of the Academic year 2022 Graduate School Journal)

明治大学 大学院事務室


*English follows Japanese.



日本語版 ■1 2022年度 大学院「研究論集」論文募集要項
■2 明治大学学術成果リポジトリ運用指針


【予備登録受付期間 】※政経研・経営研除く各研究科



MS Word 1 法学研究科(Graduate School of Law)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
2 商学研究科(Graduate School of Commerce)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
3 政治経済学研究科(Graduate School of Political Science and Economics)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
4 文学研究科(Graduate School of Arts and Letters)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
5 情報コミュニケーション研究科(Graduate School of Information and Communication)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
6 教養デザイン研究科(Graduate School of Humanities)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
7 国際日本学研究科(Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies)
  ①申請書  ②表紙  ③審査概評書  ④審査判定書
8 グローバル・ガバナンス研究科(Graduate School of Global Governance)
9  経営研を除く上記の研究科以外はページ一番下の問い合わせ先まで問い合わせください。
書式例 ① 横書き
③ 英語版 
④ 申請書
⑤ 表紙
⑥ 審査判定書

 応募資格(2)・(3)に該当する申請者は下記をダウンロードの上、大学院研究論集担当(dai_in■mics.meiji.ac.jp ←■を@に変えてください)までメールで提出してください。
 ● 研究論集提出理由書
 ● 記入見本




Dear Graduate School Students.

Students who are planning to submit the paper to Academic Year 2022 Graduate School Journal must refer to the application guidelines below.
Make sure to contact your supervisor about the title and the contents of your paper, and also complete pre-registration during the “Pre-Registration Period” in advance to submission.
Pre-Registration Form and all the application forms are available on this website.

In English  ■1 The Academic Year 2022 “Graduate School Journal” application Guidelines
■2 Operational Guidelines for Meiji University Academic Repository

Click here for the Pre-Registration Form

【Pre-Registration Period】
*Applicants for “Studies in Business Administration” and “Journal of Political Science and Economics” must refer to (※3)and(※4)below.
Edition number for September, 2022 publication From 9:00 am,  March 14(Mon) to 5:00 pm, March 18 (Fri)
Edition number for February, 2023 publication From 9:00 am, June 27 (Mon) to 5:00 pm, July 1 (Fri)

(※1)The Pre-Registration Form is available only during the Pre-Registration Period. Make sure to complete your pre-registration during the period.
(※2)In case of cancellation after pre-registration, contact the Graduate School Office as soon as possible.
(※3)Studies in Business Administration does not require pre-registration. Click here for details.
(※4)Journal of Political Science and Economics requires students to send an e-mail with abstract of the paper instead of pre-registration.Click here for datails.

■ Application Forms
<For the Graduate School of Global Governance Students>
 Regarding Application Forms, Please confirm Home page of Global Governance
(Click Here).
 Please refer to the following Samples at the time of writing the paper.

Sample(First page of the paper body)  Sample (First page of the body of the paper)

<For other Graduate School Students>
  Please download the application form from the Japanese section.

  If you had any trouble downloading the forms above, contact the graduate school office during the Pre-Registration Period.



教務事務部 大学院事務室 (Graduate School Office Educational Affairs Division)

研究論集担当 (Person in charge of graduate School Journal) 03-3296-4368
