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日本語学習のためのリンク集 Links for Japanese Language Learning

明治大学のオンライン学習教材 (Meiji University's Online Learning Materials)

This is an online site developed for those who have not yet learned Japanese, where you can learn hiragana, katakana, and basic greetings. This site also provides video clips of the Meiji University campus and university life for international students who wish to study at Meiji University in the future.

日本語学習のためのリンク集 (Links for Japanese Language Learning)

Those who want to start studying Japanese

Characteristics of the Japanese
This page outlines characteristics of the Japanese language that are helpful to know before learning Japanese. Read it before you begin your study. Multilingual explanations are provided.

Comprehensive study of Japanese language
MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language and culture alongside the contents of "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture", a coursebook which uses the JF Standard as a basis.

Comprehensive study of Japanese language
It is a course for acquiring comprehensive Japanese language skills. You can learn the Japanese language necessary for daily life situations in Japan.

This page contains an introduction for those who are studying hiragana for the first time, as well as individual character study and practice tasks.
This page contains an introduction for those who are studying Katakana for the first time, as well as individual character study and practice tasks.

These materials are for the study of roughly 500 kanji grouped in various ways, such as by character shape (radicals, identified by similar shapes), meaning, and function (situation, usages, such as verbs, and affixation). Each lesson consists of 10 to 15 characters and has 5 parts.

もっと日本語を勉強したい人 Those who want to study Japanese more

Elementary, Dialogue Videos, Drills
このページには、『げんき』のテキストの オンラインきょうざいが いろいろあります。
This page offers a variety of online materials to support your learning with GENKI textbooks.
Elementary, Intermediate, Reading 
このサイトでは、0から 5までの 6つの レベルの よみものを むりょうで よむことが できます。
You can read Japanese readings of six levels from 0 to 5 for free at this site.

Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Reading, Easy Japanese 
このサイトでは、にほんの りょこうや たべもの、ぶんかの じょうほうを よむことが できます。「やさしいにほんご」で よむことも できます。
You can read information about sightseeing, food and culture in Japan on this site. You can choose to read it in "Easy Japanese".
中級、読む Intermediate, Reading
このサイトには中級レベル(日本語能力試験N3/CEFR A2,B1)の読み物がたくさんあります。
This site offers many reading materials for intermediate level (JLPT N3/CEFR A2,B1).
You can read about Japanese society and topics that are being discussed in Japan and around the world.

Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Listening, Reading, Vocabulary, Colloquial Expression, Kanji
いろいろなトピックで にほんや にほんごについて べんきょうできるサイトです。
きじを よんだり、どうがを みたり できます。あたらしいことばや ひょうげん、しぜんなはなしかたも わかります。トピックのかんじも べんきょうすることができます。
This is a site where you can learn about various aspects of Japan and the Japanese language through a variety of topics.
You can be exposed to new vocabulary, expressions, and natural ways of speaking by reading various articles and watching videos. You can also study kanji related to the topics.

はつおん  Pronunciation
オンラインにほんごアクセントじしょです。にほんごの ぶんを いれると、そのぶんの ただしいアクセントや イントネーションなどを みたり、きいたりすることが できます。​
This is an online Japanese accent dictionary. You can also see and hear the correct accent and intonation of the Japanese sentences you have entered.​
はつおん  Pronunciation
This is a site where you can learn pronunciation points and pronunciation practice methods to properly convey your feelings.

読む、漢字の読み方 Reading, Kanji Reading 
Enter the URL of the site you want to read. It will put furigana on the kanji characters. When you read various articles in Japanese, you can check the correct kanji readings as you read them.​
読む、単語の意味 Reading, Word Meaning
このサイトに、よみたい にほんごの ぶんを いれると、ことばと いみの リストを つくってくれます。
Enter any Japanese texts you want to read. It will make a list of words and meanings.

サイトをさがす  Site search
「はなす」「きく」などの 12の スキルなどの カテゴリーから、じぶんが べんきょうしたい Webサイトを さがすことが できます。
また、「しょきゅう」「ちゅうきゅう」「じょうきゅう」の 3つの にほんごレベルからも、さがすことが できます。
You can search for the websites you want to study from 12 skill categories such as "talk" and "listen".
You can also search by the three Japanese levels of "Elementary", "Intermediate", and "Advanced". 


International Student Office, Meiji University
