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The article written by members of COLS was published online

The article “Impact of landscape changes on obsidian exploitation since the Palaeolithic in the central highland of Japan" written by A. Yoshida (Associate Professor, Kagoshima University, a member of COLS), Y. Kudo,( Associate Professor, National Museum of Japanese History )K. Shimada ( COLS), J. Hashizume ( COLS), A. Ono ( COLS) was published online.

Article information
Yoshida A., Kudo Y., Shimada K., Hashizume J., Ono A.(2015)Impact
of landscape changes on obsidian exploitation since the Palaeolithic in
the central highland of Japan. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, in
press. doi: 10.1007/s00334-015-0534-y

For details, please see the link below.
(Moving to the site outside Meiji University)