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Ph. D. (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music)
Visitiing Lectular ,Department of literlature,Meiji University
Research Fellow, Center for obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University
Member and Director, Skeleton Institution (Certified Non-profit organization)
E-mail: mihommt@meiji.ac.jp
Born 1966 in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan


1987-1991 Meiji University, B.A., Archaeology and Geography.
1991-1995 Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Msc., Archaeological Sciences
1995-1997 Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Ph.D. Archaeological Sciences


1996-1999 : Postdoctoral Fellow at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
1999-2000:Postdoctoral Fellow at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
2000-2004:Research fellow at Kitasato University's General Education Department
2002-2003:Research fellow at the British Museum of Natural History
2023‐2024:Director,History and Folkore museum of Kisarazu city
2003-present:Visiting lecture in Department of literature,Meiji University
2004-present:Member of Skeletal Institution(Certified Non-profit organization)
2017-present:Research Fellow, Center for obsidian and Lithic Studies, Meiji University

Current Research

■History of Health condition using excavated skeletal materials,grave goods and literature.
■Preservation of Human skeletal materials considering funeral practice.


■Sundai Shigaku award, received from Sundai Historical Association March 1991

Academic Fellowship and Activities 

■Director at the Japanese Archaeology of Association ,2019-2020 and 2022-2024.
■Committeeman at the Committee of Textbook in the Japanese Archaeology of Association ,2019-2020.
■Committeeman at the Committee of public information in the Japanese Archaeology of Association,2019-2020.

Selected Publications

2018 Tanihata,M. "Excavated human bones and tombs in the urban city Edo" Sophia Bunko Kadokawa Co., Ltd., Tokyo.(in Japanese) Company (single work)
2016 Tanihata,M. "The Yayoi who did not eat rice? " Doseisha Co., Ltd., Tokyo.(in Japanese) Company (single work)
2010 Tanihata,M. "The Jomons who presumably were O-legs" Yoshikawa-Koubunkan Co., Ltd., Tokyo.(in Japanese) Company (single work)
2004 Tanihata,M. "Manual of Human Skelatal Remains for Archeologist", Gakuseisha Co., Ltd., Tokyo.(in Japanese) Company (Co-author)

Presentations at the International Congress and Workshop

2019 Tanihata M. "A Study of funeral practice in the burial ground -special placement of lower limb bones -" "International Association for the Evolutionary Anthropology of Asia" (Griffith University, Australia) June 26, 2019
2017 TanihataM."Osteoarthritis in modern groups-Comparison with prehistoric times", "British Early Modern Archaeological Society"(University of Hull, UK )April 1, 2017
2012 TanihataM. "Paleopathological aspects of the middle-Yayoi era" "The 10th Kyushu Archaeological Society/Reinan Archaeological Association Co-Archaeological Convention" (Yonnam University, South Korea) August 17, 2012
2009 Tanihata M. "On the Early Modern Society Seen from the Bone" "The 5th International Society of Anthropology" (Tokyo City Center Hotel ,Japan)November 3, 2003"Osteoarthritis of the Jomon period" "The 49th American Anthropological Society" (University of Philadelphia, USA) March 25, 2009
2003 Tanihata M. "Research Report on Burial Ground and Excavated Human Bones in the Edo Period" "The 2nd East Asian Archaeological Conference" (the University of Durham, UK ) November 15, 2003

Selected Monographs and Articles

2019 Tanihata,M. "Osteoarchaeological study from the burial persons buried in the Tunnel Tomb", Sundai Historical Review No. 165, p.61-74 (in Japanese) 
2017 Tanihata,M.  "Examination of the teeth excavated from Urushiyama burial mound in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, and the examination of the burial person and the period estimated from it", Archeology of Saitama No. 52 (co-authored) pp. 68-78 (in Japanese) 
2016 Tanihata,M. "The study on the burial persons buried in the burial mounds: focusing on the consideration of the burial persons excavated as the skeletal human bones", Sundai Historical Review, No. 157, p.69-86 (in Japanese) 
2015 Tanihata,M. "The Burials in the Kinreizuka Tumulus: Focusing on the Excavated Teeth" "Kinureizuka Tumulus Study No.3" Kisarazu City Museum of History and Folk (co-authored), p.28-29 (in Japanese)
2012 Tanihata,M.  "Aspects of burial in the late Jomon period from the viewpoint of paleopathological findings: focusing on human bones excavated from the shell mound of Yamaga , Fukuoka Prefecture", "Human history and the process of forming the "past" and prehistoric archeology" (Meiji University Humanities Science Institute Monographs Yuzankaku) p.16-28 (in Japanese) 
2008 Tanihata,M. "Disease of the Jomon period " "Archaeology of the Jomon period" 10 volumes, pp.82-90 (in Japanese) 
2002 Tanihata,M. "Osteoarchaeological research using human bones in the postmedieval ages-Focusing on examples from the third archeological site of the Tentokuji area in Minato-ku, Tokyo and the Dainichido site in Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture", "Human History Research" .115-126 (in Japanese)  
2000 Tanihata,M.  "Basic research on osteoporosis using human bone material-Measurement value and bone density measurement by DXA method", Anthropological Journal, Vol. 107, p. 155-164 (co-authored) 
1995 Tanihata,M.  "The intermediate decorations of the earrings excavated from Ryuozaki No. 1 at Saga Prefecture", Kyushu Archeology, Volume 70, p.12-18 (in Japanese ) 
1993 Tanihata,M. "The earrings with decorations of Japan and the Korean Peninsula", The Study of Archaeology, Vol. 40, No. 1, p.86-107 (in Japanese)