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共催:International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Humans and the Biosphere (HaB) Commission
公開講演 2012年10月27日(土)13:00-16:30(通訳付き)
カタリン・ビロー(ハンガリー国立博物館・ハンガリー) 「中央ヨーロッパの黒曜石研究におけるカルパチア産黒曜石」
 Katalin T. Biro:Carpathian obsidians: state of art of Central European obsidian research
ディーター・シェーファー (インスブルック大学・オーストリア) 「チロル地方(オーストリア)における中石器時代のウラーフェルセン遺跡プロジェクト」
 Dieter Schäfer: The Mesolithic Project Ullafelsen in Tyrol(Austria)
国際シンポジウム(公開) 2012年10月28日(日)9:00-17:40(通訳なし)
テーマ:”Lithic raw material exploitation and circulation in prehistory: a comparativeperspective in diverse palaeoenvironment” (先史時代の石器石材の利用と流通:多様な古環境のなかの比較の展望)

0) 9:00-9:10 Opening address: Akira Ono (Meiji University)
1) 9:10-9:40 Mi-Young Hong (Hanyang University)
 Obsidian appeared Paleolithic industries on the Korean peninsula.
2) 9:40-10:10 Vadim Stepanchuk (Institute of Archaeology of National Ukrainian Academy of Science)
 Small opportunities and big needs: Mira EUP case of raw materials exploitation (Dnepr basin, Ukraine).
3) 10:10-10:40 Sergey Ryzhov (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
 Obsidian outcrops in Transcarpathia and their use during the Paleolithic time.
4) 11:00-11:30 Katalin T. Biro (Hungarian National Museum)
 Petroarchaeological research in the Carpathian basin: methods, results, challenges.
5) 11:30-12:00 Harald Floss (University of Tübingen)
 Rivers as orientation axes for migrations, raw material transport and exchange in the Upper Palaeolithic of Central Europe.
<Lunch break>
6) 14:00-14:30 Stefano Bertola (University of Innsbruck)
 The raw material variability in the mesolithic site of Ullafelsen (Sellrain, Tyrol, Austria).
7) 14:30-15:00 Yuichiro Kudo (National Museum of Japanese History)
 Temporal correlation between archaeological and Environmental records from late MIS3 to early MIS1 in Japan.
8) 15:00-15:30 Hiroyuki Sato & Miyuki Yakushige (The University of Tokyo)
 Obsidian exploitation and circulation in Late Pleistocene Hokkaido and adjacent areas.
9) 16:00-16:30 Kazutaka Shimada (Meiji University Museum)
 Upper Palaeolithic obsidian use in Central Japan.
10) 16:30-17:00 Koujiro Shiba (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties )
Acquisition and consumption of obsidian in the Upper Paleolithic of Kyushu.
17:10-17:40 Discussion