実施日:2020年9 月11日
Morning session :Subnational Climate Change Action in the Asia-Pacific Moderator, Prof. Ren-Chuan Kevin Kao (College of Law, National Taipei University, Taiwan) Ass. Prof. Yuichiro Tsuji (Meiji University)"Agenda of this symposium" Keynote speaker from Taiwan, Prof.Jiunn-rong Yeh(National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Climate Change Legislation in Asia Keynote speaker from South Korea,Prof. Cho Hong Sik (Seoul National University, South Korea), The Green New Deal in Korea: A Progressive Transformation of the Green Growth Keynote speaker from US, Prof. Daniel Farber (UC Berkeley law, USA), The Geography of Subnational Climate Action Keynote speaker from Japan, Prof. Yoshinobu Kitamura (Sophia university, Japan), Climate change measures in Japan under the Paris Agreement
Panel 1: Adaptation and Asia Moderator, Prof. Toru Yamada (Meiji University) Discussant, Hitoshi Ushijima (Chuo University) Prof. Gina Jeehyun Choi (Seoul National University), Inclusive Green New Deal: The Case of the City of Seoul Dr.Shiyuan Jing (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Towards a Modern Environmental Governance System: China’s City-level Environmental Policy Pilots and Environmental Legislation Prof.Ren-Chuan Kevin Kao (College of Law, National Taipei University, Taiwan), Avoid Entanglement in Jurisdiction Controversy about Climate Change in Taiwan-Could Cooperative Federalism Play a Successful Role for a Unitary System? Ass.Prof. Yuichiro Tsuji (Meiji University Law School), Adaptation and wind power generation in Japan -wind power in Japan
Afternoon session: Environmental law issue in each area Panel 2: Possibility of renewable energy in Japan Moderator, Prof. Gina Jeehyun Choi (Seoul National University) Prof. Kenichiro Yanagi (Meiji university Law School), Policy Development & Legislative and Regulatory Framework for Promoting and Introducing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Japan Prof.Toru Yamada (Meiji University, School of Arts and Letters), Tidal energy plants in the context of Japan’s cultural landscape preservation Prof. David G. Litt (Keio university law school), The Japanese Nuclear Restart – Some Thoughts on the Role of the Courts, The Japanese Nuclear Restart – Some Thoughts on the Role of the Courts Prof. Noriko Okubo (Osaka university), Climate Change Litigation in Japan: Kobe Coal-Fired Power Plant Cases
Panel 3: Energy, adaptation and judiciary Moderator, Dr.Shiyuan Jing ( Shanghai Jiaotong University) Discussant, Hikaru Hiranuma (Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research) Prof. James Prest (Australian National University, ANU College of Law + ANU Energy Change Institute), Legal and Policy Issues in Three National Hydrogen Strategies Prof. Dr. iur QIN Tianbao (National Changjiang Young Scholar Professor), Prospects of China’s Judiciary for Climate Change Adaptation Dr. Comwatchara Iangong (Judge at Appeal Court Region 3, Thailand), Green Court in Thailand Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Solar Energy Requirements for Existing and new-build Buildings - the Example of the City of Hamburg and the Baden-Württemberg Climate Chance Act
Closing Remark Prof. Dr.Jur. Menkhaus Heinrich (Meiji university, Japan)
② 「ホームオフィス」
③ 「ドイツ労働時間法とEU労働時間指令」
④ 「休暇中の仕事」
※開催案内ポスター ※日独労働法協会会報(第17号)に報告内容が掲載されました。
講演者:アウクスブルク大学 KASPAR, Johannes 教授
David Carrillo カリフォルニア大学バークレーロースクール 専任講師「カリフォルニア州の司法制度 」
Peter Schuck イェール大学ロースクール教授「James Q. Wilson と米国 exceptionalism 」
Jack Citrin カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授「合衆国最高裁と世論」
①フィリピンにおける法学教育 デ・ラ・サール大学法科大学院長・弁護士 DIOKNO, Jose Manuel
②日本における法学教育 明治大学法学部准教授 小室 輝久
③フィリピンの法曹制度 デ・ラ・サール大学法科大学院教員・弁護士 PERALTA, Anthony B.
④日本の法曹制度 明治大学法学部専任講師・弁護士 柳川 鋭士