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Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad Programs

Notice from the Office

<July 31, 2024> Application Guidelines and Admission Details for 2025 SGJS Study Abroad and Internship Programs (Fall) Now Available

- For "Florida State University Disney International Program", in addition to the overall score requirements (TOEFL iBT 61 / IELTS 5.5), new subscore requirements for Speaking and Listening have been introduced. Please make sure to check the application requirements on "Admission Details". 
TOEFL MyBest Scores and IELTS One Skill Retake are accepted. It is recommended that you plan effectively to obtain the necessary scores before the internal application deadline.

<Application Closed> Application for 2025 SGJS Study Abroad and Internship Programs (FALL)

Please carefully read the Application Guidelines and Admission Details.
To complete your application, you must submit both the "online application" AND "submit the application documents" by the designated deadlines.

【Application Guidelines and Admission Details】

2025 SGJS Study Abroad and Internship Programs (FALL) Application Guidelines
2025 SGJS Study Abroad and Internship Programs (FALL) Admission Details (Updated 2024/10/16) 
   * "Admission Details" may be updated continually. Please check it regularly. 

【Application Documents (Designated Form)】
2025 Program Agreement (SGJS Study Abroad and Internship Program)
Self-introduction / Statement of Purpose (in English)

Purpose of Study Abroad Programs

1. Acquiring practical English language skills
2. Enhancing the capacity to understand different cultures
3. Learning about Japan from a global standpoint and considering the role of Japan in the global community

Curriculum for Studying Abroad

1. Intensive English education is offered.
2. Courses related to studying abroad include Introduction to Study Abroad, International Education and Exchanges, and Intercultural Education.

Study Abroad Programs at SGJS

The School of Global Japanese Studies offers both long-term study abroad programs (Study abroad and Internship Programs) and short-term programs (Volunteer Programs during summer/spring break), as the school encourages students to acquire more global awareness as well as an understanding of Japan from many perspectives.
  Long-Term Short-Term
Program Study Abroad and Internship Programs 認定留学*1 Volunteer Program Volunteer Program
 (Organized by ICYE Japan)
Exchange Fee-Paying
Period *2 1 semester or 1 academic year
(4-11 months from Fall) 
1 semester or 1 academic year
3 weeks
3-4 weeks
(Summer, Spring)
Estimated Costs *3 Depends on the program and period 250,000 - 400,000JPY
Language Requirement
TOEFL iBT 51 or above *4
TOEFL iBT 40 or above -
Credit Credits earned at the host institution may be transferrable to SGJS upon meeting certain requirements. More than 2 credits could be transferred under certain requirements.
Subsidy *5 Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy (Expenses Subsidy) Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy (Expenses Subsidy) Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy (Tuition, Expenses Subsidy) -
*1 "認定留学" is a self-arranged study abroad program, approved by the School of Global Japanese Studies (for details, please visit the 3rd Floor Office well in advance).
*2 Depends on the program/institution.
*3 For Long-Term Programs, tuition depends on the program (Exchange, Fee-paying etc.).
     [Exchange: Required to pay "Tuition and fee of Meiji University" ("tuition" of the host university is waived)]
     [Fee-Paying, 認定留学: Required to pay both "Tuition and fee of Meiji University" AND "Tuition of the host institution"]
     Costs depends on the period, rate, accommodation, student's living style etc.
     Students are also responsible for visa application, airfare, insurance fees, and any fees that the host instition requires, etc.
*4 Depends on the program/institution. Some institutions have ESOL programs.
*5 You must meet the application requirements to be eligible to apply. For details, please check the application guidelines for each subsidy. As for the Study Abroad and Internship Programs (Fee-Paying), SGJS offers a subsidy, with the upper limit of the amount of the tuition fee at Meiji University.

SGJS Partner Institutions

  Country Partner Institution in Japanese
[Link to Meiji NOW GLOBAL]
Partner Institution
[Link to partner institution's website]
Academic Internship USA  フロリダ州立大学
ウォルトディズニーワールド提携 アカデミックインターンシップ
Florida State University
- Academic Exchange Program as part of the Walt Disney World International Programs
University USA ニューヨーク州立大学 ニューパルツ校 State University of New York at New Paltz
Sweden セーデルトーン大学 Södertörn University
UK オックスフォード大学 ハートフォードカレッジ University of Oxford Hertford College
Singapore シンガポール国立大学 人文・社会科学部 National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Community College
USA ハワイ大学 カピオラニ・コミュニティカレッジ University of Hawai'i Kapi'olani Community College
フットヒルカレッジ Foothill College
グリーンリバーカレッジ Green River College
ピアスカレッジ Pierce College
ショアライン・コミュニティカレッジ Shoreline Community College
オローニカレッジ Ohlone College
ビュートカレッジ Butte College
エベレット・コミュニティカレッジ Everett Community College
エドモンズカレッジ Edmonds College
コントラコスタカレッジ Contra Costa College
ディアブローバレーカレッジ Diablo Valley College
ロスメダノスカレッジ Los Medanos College

Roadmap to Study Abroad

To start the program from the Fall (Aug.~Oct.)…

End of July Application Guidleines and Admission Details
Sept. Internal application begins
Oct. Deadline for internal application
Nov. Internal screening
Announcement of internal screening results
Feb.~Mar. [Only for Disney] Disney Recruiter interview screening
Jan.~May Application for the host institution
Mar.~July Admission from the host institution, pre-departure processes (application for Visa / Residence permit, accommodaton, insurance, flight tickets), SGJS pre-departure processes etc.
Aug.~Oct. Start the program
Return to Japan SGJS post-program processes

Security Abroad

The university offers a variety of instructive opportunities, including classes designed to prepare students for studying abroad, such as "Introduction to Study Abroad." In addition, we provide various materials that outline how to avoid trouble overseas and what actions to take if students encounter difficulties. To prepare for unexpected situations during the study abroad period, Meiji University collaborates with a risk management company and coordinates with other departments within the university, insurance companies, and travel agencies.


Nakano Reserch and Educational Support Office (International Collaboration and Education Team)
Counter 4, 3F Administrative Office, Nakano Campus
Office opening hours
E-mail: goabroad@mics.meiji.ac.jp