留学経費の助成制度(明治大学外国留学奨励助成金)/ Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy

明治大学外国留学奨励助成金 / Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy



“Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy” is a scholarship to support students who participate either in a study abroad program with partner universities of Meiji University or in a self-arranged study abroad program certified by the School or Graduate School of Meiji University(認定留学). The scholarship will be provided to students who are selected by screening by Meiji University and its recipients are not required to refund it. Those who are going to apply for this subsidy must carefully read through the application guidelines and submit all the necessary documents by the application deadline. Note that it is not guaranteed that all applicants will be granted the subsidy. For further details, please refer to the documents below.
[Note] Participants of Double Degree Programs and Dual Bachelor's Master's Programs of Meiji University (both Institution level and Faculty level) should also apply to this "Meiji University Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy".


【注意】申請には「Oh-o! Meijiよりダウンロードした2023年度秋学期分までの成績通知表」が必要です。

※必ず2024年7月15日頃(2024年度春学期分の成績反映前)までにOh-o! Meijiよりダウンロードすること。
【Important】"Scholastic Record downloaded from Oh-o! Meiji up to Fall semester 2023" is required for the application.
*It must be downloaded by around July 15, 2024 (BEFORE the grade for Spring semester 2024 are reflected) from Oh-o! Meiji.
*Please check with your school office for the timing of grade reflection, as it differs for each school.

募集要項 / Application Guidelines

申請方法・受付期間 / Application Procedures and Period


① Oh-o! Meijiアンケート機能を利用してのオンライン申請
② Oh-o! Meijiグループページへの申請書類データ提出

  ※ 期間外の申請は一切認めません。必ず期間内に両方の手続きを完了すること。
  ※ オンライン申請および申請書類の提出は必ず申請者本人が行うこと。

Both of the followings ①&② must be completed within the designated application period.

Online application using Oh-o! Meiji questionnaire
 9:00 Monday, July 1 to 17:00 Monday, November 11, 2024
Submission of application documents to Oh-o! Meiji group page
 By 17:00 Monday, December 16, 2024

  * Any submission after the deadline will not be accepted. Make sure to complete both of the above within the designated period.
  * Online application and submission of the documents must be completed by the applicant him/herself.

申請者提出書類 / Application Documents Designated Forms

受給決定者提出書類 / For Recipients to Submit

【参考情報】過去の募集要項 / [For Reference] Past Application Guidelines

<English ver.>Application Guidelines

明治大学 国際連携事務室

窓口開室時間:9:00-11:30, 12:30-17:00
※ 土曜・日曜・祝日(休日授業実施日は除く)は閉室。
※ お問合わせの際は、必ず所属学部・学年・氏名を申し出てください。また、件名や送信元が不明なお問い合わせには応じることができませんのでご注意ください。
