<募集終了>2022年春出発 大学間協定留学【交換型】【授業料負担型】募集要項 / 2022 Spring University-wide Study Abroad Program [Exchange][Fee-Paying]
This is the Study Abroad Program held at the partner institutions of Meiji University all around the world on the basis of the student exchange agreements. To participate in this program, students are required to apply for the internal selection and be nominated by Meiji University. Please read both "Application Guidelines" and "Admission Details" thoroughly for the details of the internal selection.
This is the Study Abroad Program held at the partner institutions of Meiji University all around the world on the basis of the student exchange agreements. To participate in this program, students are required to apply for the internal selection and be nominated by Meiji University. Please read both "Application Guidelines" and "Admission Details" thoroughly for the details of the internal selection.
【Important】Taking into consideration the circumstances of COVID-19, the Study Abroad Program might be cancelled even after internal selection by Meiji University. It may also be cancelled due to the entry restrictions of each country/region regardless of Meiji University's decision.
注意事項 / Important Notes
※非常に重要な内容ですので、応募前に必ず確認してください。/ *All notes are highly important. Please carefully read them before applying.
募集要項 / Application Guidelines
出願条件等一覧 / Admission Details ≪今後も更新の可能性があります / There is still a possibility of updates.≫
※「Admission Details」will be updated continually throughout the application period. Please check it regularly.
※「Admission Details」will be updated continually throughout the application period. Please check it regularly.
応募方法・受付期間 / Application Procedures and Period
①Oh-o! Meijiアンケート機能を利用しての オンライン応募
2021年7月20日(火)9:00 ~ 8月4日(水)17:00
②Oh-o! Meijiグループページへの 応募書類データ提出
2021年8月20日(金)17:00 まで
①Oh-o! Meijiアンケート機能を利用しての オンライン応募
2021年7月20日(火)9:00 ~ 8月4日(水)17:00
②Oh-o! Meijiグループページへの 応募書類データ提出
2021年8月20日(金)17:00 まで
Both of the followings must be completed within the designated application period.
①Online application using Oh-o! Meiji questionnaire
9:00 Tuesday, July 20 to 17:00 Wednesday, August 4, 2021
*Application outside the designated period will not be accepted whatsoever.
②Submission of application documents to Oh-o! Meiji Group
By 17:00 Friday, August 20, 2021
*Application outside the designated period will not be accepted whatsoever.
*Registration and submission of the documents must be completed by the applicant him/herself.
*Note that the office will be closed from August 9 to 16 due to the Summer Break.
応募書類 所定書式<日本語版>
- 明治大学大学間協定留学誓約書 ※保証人(保護者)直筆署名・捺印必須
- 留学計画書 ※PC入力のこと
- [その他言語] 明治大学教員による語学能力評価表(該当者のみ)
Application Documents Designated Forms <English ver. for English Track students>
- Study Abroad Statement of Purpose *To be filled in electronically.
- Program Agreement for the University-wide Study Abroad Programs *Handwritten signature of the guarantor is mandatory.
- [Non-English] Language Proficiency Assessment Sheet by a professor of Meiji University (if applicable)
- お問い合わせ先
明治大学 国際教育事務室