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2024年度英語による授業を行うためのFD研修の実施について/Holding "FD Trainings for Teaching in English" for the 2024 Academic Year


The Headquarters of International Collaboration, Meiji University, is conducting "FD Training for Teaching in English" as part of our initiatives to promote the acceptance of international students, expand English degree programs, and further the internationalization of our university. For information on past sessions, please refer to the "Related Links" section at the end.
For the 2024 academic year, we plan to hold a total of four sessions:
・The workshop for fundamentals in July
・Roundtable Discussion in October
・Webinar in December
・Practical Session in February.
We are now accepting applications for The workshop for fundamentals and the Roundtable Discussion as outlined below.
*The applications closed on July 22nd. A second call for applications for the Roundtable Discussion will be held in September.

プログラム概要/Basic information for the programs

①ワークショップ(基礎編)「英語で効果的に教えるために」/Workshop for fundamentals Course: "Teaching Effectively in English"

講 師:吉中 昌國 氏(株式会社EdulinX)
目 的: 各分野の授業を英語で実施するために必要な工夫について考える
日 程:2024年 7月30日(火)
時 間:13:00~16:30 (3時間半)
形 式:オンライン 
言 語:日本語  
定 員:15名

Instructor: Mr. Masakuni Yoshinaka (EdulinX Co., Ltd.)
Objective: To explore strategies necessary for conducting specialized courses in both science and humanities in English.
Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024   
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM (3.5 hours)
Format: Online  
Language: Japanese  
Capacity: 15 participants
※Please refer to the application guidelines or the flyer for more details.
②座談会 「〜英語による授業について日本語で話し合いましょう!〜」/Roundtable Discussion: "Let's Discuss Teaching in English in Japanese!"

 講 師:横川 綾子特任教授(明治大学国際連携機構)
目 的:EMI(英語による教授法)の重要性を認識し、EMIの実践における課題と対処法を教員間で議論すること
日 程:2024年10月3日(木)
時 間:13:00~14:30  (1時間半)
形 式:オンライン 
言 語:日本語  
定 員:50名

Instructor: Prof. Ayako Yokogawa (Meiji University, Organization for International Collaboration)
Objective: To recognize the importance of EMI (English-Medium Instruction) and discuss the challenges and solutions for implementing EMI among faculty members.
Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024             
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (1.5 hours)
Format: Online   
Language: Japanese     
Capacity: 50 participants
※Please refer to the application guidelines or the flyer for more details.

その他/Additional Information

・Meiji University will cover the participation fee for this program, so it is free of charge. 
・Please prepare your own PC, headset, etc., for participation.
・Participants are required to submit a report (approximately 1-2 pages of A4) within one week after completing the program.
 The report format will be sent to participants before the program starts.


⇒応募フォームはこちら *ワークショップ(基礎編)は定員に達したため申し込みを締め切りました。

Please apply using this application form. *We have closed the application process for 'The Fundamentals Course ' as it has reached full capacity.
Application Period: Monday, July 1 – Monday, July 2
① The fundamentals Course (Capacity: 15 participants)
② Roundtable Discussion (Capacity: 50 participants)

If there are many applicants, selection will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Participation in both ① and ② or in only one is possible.

国際連携部 国際連携事務室

駿河台キャンパス グローバルフロント2階

International Collaboration Office (Global Front 2nd Floor, Surugadai Campus)
Person in Charge: Tokuda and Hananoi
