研究・知財戦略機構 学内フォーマット集
(1) 自らのどのような行為が不正に当たるのかを理解させるためのコンプライアンス教育を実施すること
(2) そのコンプライアンス教育受講者の受講状況と理解度を把握すること
(3) これらの内容を遵守する義務があることを理解し,意識の浸透を図るために,競争的資金等の運営・管理に関わる全ての構成員に対し,受講の機会に誓約書等の提出を求めること
(4) 研究者を支払いに関与させない仕組みを整備すること(旅費精算の業務委託,購買システムの導入,請求書払いの推奨等)
(1) 自らのどのような行為が不正に当たるのかを理解させるためのコンプライアンス教育を実施すること
(2) そのコンプライアンス教育受講者の受講状況と理解度を把握すること
(3) これらの内容を遵守する義務があることを理解し,意識の浸透を図るために,競争的資金等の運営・管理に関わる全ての構成員に対し,受講の機会に誓約書等の提出を求めること
(4) 研究者を支払いに関与させない仕組みを整備すること(旅費精算の業務委託,購買システムの導入,請求書払いの推奨等)
「研究活動における不正行為への対応等に関するガイドライン」は,研究者,科学コミュニティ等の自律・自己規律や大学等の研究機関の管理責任のほか,不正行為を抑止する環境整備を求め,不正行為を抑止するため,研究倫理教育の実施による研究者倫理の向上が要請されています。本学では全ての研究者等にAPRIN eラーニングプログラムの受講を義務付ける等して,研究倫理の確立に努めています。
(2)2024年度 明治大学 公的研究費不正防止に向けた計画及び実施事項
(3)2024年度 明治大学 研究活動に関するコンプライアンス教育・啓発活動,研究倫理教育実施計画
(2)2024年度 明治大学 公的研究費不正防止に向けた計画及び実施事項
(3)2024年度 明治大学 研究活動に関するコンプライアンス教育・啓発活動,研究倫理教育実施計画
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) responds to the issues of misappropriation of public research funds and research misconduct that they have been dealing with for years. In “Guidelines for Managing and Auditing Public Research Funds at Research Institutions”, which was revised on the 1st of February in 2021, and in “Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research Activities”, which was issued by MEXT on the 26th of August in 2014, it is therefore ruled that University should implement of initiatives to prevent misconduct beforehand and clarify of responsibility for management as an organization.
“Guidelines for Managing and Auditing Public Research Funds at Research Institutions”
In “Guidelines for Public Research Funds”, it is ruled that University should clarify of responsibility for management as an organization and develop base of proper operation and management.
In particular, matters that University must implement are,
(1) The compliance training for your understanding what conduct is misconduct.
(2) Management of the taking situation and intelligibility by trainees of the compliance training.
(3) Submission of the written oath etc. to acknowledge the obligation of adhering to contents of the compliance training and improve to respect for rules and morals by all faculties etc. involved in operation and management of competitive funds etc. after your taking of this training.
(4) Establish a system that does not involve researchers in payments (e.g., outsourcing travel expense reimbursement, introducing a purchasing system, encouraging payment by invoice, etc.)
(5) Meiji University's Efforts to Comply with MEXT Guidelines,And so on.
In particular, matters that University must implement are,
(1) The compliance training for your understanding what conduct is misconduct.
(2) Management of the taking situation and intelligibility by trainees of the compliance training.
(3) Submission of the written oath etc. to acknowledge the obligation of adhering to contents of the compliance training and improve to respect for rules and morals by all faculties etc. involved in operation and management of competitive funds etc. after your taking of this training.
(4) Establish a system that does not involve researchers in payments (e.g., outsourcing travel expense reimbursement, introducing a purchasing system, encouraging payment by invoice, etc.)
(5) Meiji University's Efforts to Comply with MEXT Guidelines,And so on.
“Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research Activities”
In "Guidelines on Responding to Misconduct in Research Activities", it is described that researchers and Science community's own discipline, research institution's responsibility to strengthen their measures for prevent misconduct and to provide the research ethical training.In addition, in order to promote appropriate research activities, research and experimental data are required to be saved and stored in appropriate formats. Our auditors check the status of data management with principal investigators.
Attendance of the compliance and research ethical training
In Meiji University, for the compliance and research ethical training to prevent misconduct beforehand, we adopted “ APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN)”.
Target of trainees is all faculties because the target in both Guidelines is researchers involved in extensive research activities.
You must submit the written oath after your taking of the training to each school office.
You need user ID and password and the manual for this program and need an e-mail address for certificate. Please feel free to inquire each school office.
“ APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN)”
For the written oath, click here.
Target of trainees is all faculties because the target in both Guidelines is researchers involved in extensive research activities.
You must submit the written oath after your taking of the training to each school office.
You need user ID and password and the manual for this program and need an e-mail address for certificate. Please feel free to inquire each school office.
“ APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN)”
For the written oath, click here.
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明治大学 研究倫理オフィス
駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン7階