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【MIMS】杉原厚吉特任教授の講演がミネソタ大学 数学応用研究所のWebサイト上にて動画配信中

明治大学 研究・知財戦略機構

(c) 2018 The University of Minnesota.(c) 2018 The University of Minnesota.

(c) 2018 The University of Minnesota.(c) 2018 The University of Minnesota.

 明治大学先端数理科学インスティテュート所長 杉原厚吉特任教授が,2018年2月にアメリカ合衆国ミネソタ大学の数学応用研究所に招かれ,一般市民向けの講演 (Public Lecture) を行いました。
 その講演の様子がミネソタ大学 数学応用研究所のWebサイトで公開されています。約1時間の講演全てを視聴することができます。

■The IMA Public Lecture Series■
"Impossible Objects: The Mathematics of 3D Illusions"

 Wednesday, February 21, 2018 - 7:00pm - 8:00pm
 Coffman Memorial Union Theater, University of Minnesota
 Kokichi Sugihara (Meiji University)

 Possessing such remarkable visual capabilities, humans believe they can always perceive and understand the shape of objects correctly. Under the phenomenon of visual illusion, however, what humans see differs from reality. Impossible objects are a type of 3D visual illusion that are 2D pictures which give the impression of having inconsistent 3D structures. But real 3D objects were later discovered, with the aid of mathematics, to give the impression of impossibility, such as impossible structures and impossible motions. In this lecture, Kokichi Sugihara will show the various behaviors of impossible objects, together with the mathematics behind them, and consider why human perception is so easily fooled by these kinds of visual illusions.
