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MSBA Exchange Student Program (Meiji University, School of Business Administration, MSBA)

Thank you for your interest in studying at Meiji University, School of Business Administration. We welcome international students each year from around the world, and offer a variety of programs and cultural events that will help you connect with Japan. Please refer to the links below for an application!

For students enrolled in interdepartmental partner institutions

For students enrolled in interuniversity partner institutions

For students with Japanese language proficiency (prospective non-exchange students)

  • Japanese Website of MSBA
    • Currently we do not have an English-based degree program, except some courses instructed in English.
Contact Us

School Office

(Surugadai) +81-3-3296-4194
(Izumi) +81-3-5300-1151

(Surugadai) +81-3-3296-4350
Address: 1-1 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8301 JAPAN
(Izumi) +81-3-5300-1202
Address: 1-9-1 Eifuku, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-8555 JAPAN

