メンクハウス,ハインリッヒ ヨハネス教授が「ドイツ語圏日本学術振興会研究者同窓会」の会長を務めています!
明治大学 法学部
メンクハウス先生は、2003年よりドイツ語圏日本学術振興会研究者同窓会の会長しております。JSPS-Club: JSPSクラブ
その他にも、JSPS事業経験者を対象としたBRIDGE Fellowshipプログラム申請にあたり会員を支援しています。また、日本とドイツ間の学術交流のための援助基金(FWADJ)設置や、会員が主催する学会等へ資金提供を行っています。当同窓会の表彰事業であるJACA賞は、受賞者に対して往復の航空券と滞在のための褒賞金を支給しています。
会員向けに発行される定期刊行物“Neues vom Club“を通じて、会員の研究活動や開催したイベント等について積極的な情報発信を行っています。理事会は当同窓会を代表して、日独関連機関、ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD)、アレクサンダー・フォン・フンボルト財団(AvH)等と協力し活動を行っています。
Since 2003 I am the chairman of the German JSPS Alumni Association. HP JSPS-Club: JSPSクラブ
The German JSPS Alumni Association was founded by former JSPS Fellows in 1995 and is therefore regarded as the oldest of the alumni associations of JSPS. This however does not mean that the association is only open for former JSPS fellows. As it is the only alumni association for German-speaking scientists with experience in Japan, it created an extraordinary membership for scientists, who were funded by other organizations or paid their stay in Japan themselves. Lately, the alumni association also invites Japanese scientists to become members, if they have studied or worked in the German-speaking countries. Therefore, almost all activities are conducted in English language.
The JSPS Alumni Association currently has about 500 members and is active in local communities in Germany, e.g., in the region of Berlin, Rhine-Neckar and Rhine-Ruhr, but also, as about 60 members are working in Japan. The office of the association is within the JSPS office in Bonn.
Once a year, a larger scientific symposium and several smaller meetings are held for members to assemble. The club supports members in applications for the JSPS-BRIDGE fellowships, open only for members of the clubs, who happened to be former JSPS fellows, but also has a fund for applications to invite Japanese scientists to their cooperation partners in the German-speaking area. It also co-funds scientific symposia of its members and donates an annual price, the Alumni Club Award that includes a free roundtrip ticket to either Japan or the German-speaking countries and additional funds for a stay in these countries.
Together with JSPS it runs the Junior Forums, where the JSPS Summer Program participants present the outcomes and experiences of their research. Lastly, the club supports a quarterly newsletter featuring meetings, events and activities by their members. The Club board also represents the club in a number of organizations, as e.g. the Federations of Japanese-German Associations as well as German-Japanese Associations or the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) etc.
There was already one symposium organized at Meiji University
メンクハウス先生は、2003年よりドイツ語圏日本学術振興会研究者同窓会の会長しております。JSPS-Club: JSPSクラブ
その他にも、JSPS事業経験者を対象としたBRIDGE Fellowshipプログラム申請にあたり会員を支援しています。また、日本とドイツ間の学術交流のための援助基金(FWADJ)設置や、会員が主催する学会等へ資金提供を行っています。当同窓会の表彰事業であるJACA賞は、受賞者に対して往復の航空券と滞在のための褒賞金を支給しています。
会員向けに発行される定期刊行物“Neues vom Club“を通じて、会員の研究活動や開催したイベント等について積極的な情報発信を行っています。理事会は当同窓会を代表して、日独関連機関、ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD)、アレクサンダー・フォン・フンボルト財団(AvH)等と協力し活動を行っています。
Since 2003 I am the chairman of the German JSPS Alumni Association. HP JSPS-Club: JSPSクラブ
The German JSPS Alumni Association was founded by former JSPS Fellows in 1995 and is therefore regarded as the oldest of the alumni associations of JSPS. This however does not mean that the association is only open for former JSPS fellows. As it is the only alumni association for German-speaking scientists with experience in Japan, it created an extraordinary membership for scientists, who were funded by other organizations or paid their stay in Japan themselves. Lately, the alumni association also invites Japanese scientists to become members, if they have studied or worked in the German-speaking countries. Therefore, almost all activities are conducted in English language.
The JSPS Alumni Association currently has about 500 members and is active in local communities in Germany, e.g., in the region of Berlin, Rhine-Neckar and Rhine-Ruhr, but also, as about 60 members are working in Japan. The office of the association is within the JSPS office in Bonn.
Once a year, a larger scientific symposium and several smaller meetings are held for members to assemble. The club supports members in applications for the JSPS-BRIDGE fellowships, open only for members of the clubs, who happened to be former JSPS fellows, but also has a fund for applications to invite Japanese scientists to their cooperation partners in the German-speaking area. It also co-funds scientific symposia of its members and donates an annual price, the Alumni Club Award that includes a free roundtrip ticket to either Japan or the German-speaking countries and additional funds for a stay in these countries.
Together with JSPS it runs the Junior Forums, where the JSPS Summer Program participants present the outcomes and experiences of their research. Lastly, the club supports a quarterly newsletter featuring meetings, events and activities by their members. The Club board also represents the club in a number of organizations, as e.g. the Federations of Japanese-German Associations as well as German-Japanese Associations or the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) etc.
There was already one symposium organized at Meiji University