スタジオについて / About studio
授業やゼミナール活動、学生のサークル、就職活動でのコンテンツ制作(自己紹介動画)など、本学に在籍している方であれば,どなたでも無料で利用できます。The studio on the 11th floor of Building 12 of the Surugadai Campus is operated recording video content used in media classes, recording original teaching materials by faculty members, and creating content for students.
Anyone who is enrolled in Meiji university can use it free of charge, such as classes, seminar activities, students club activities, content creation for job hunting (self-introduction video), etc.
授業やゼミナール活動、サークル活動目的については、担当教職員からお申し込みください。(教職員予約ページ ⇒ こちら)
Students can apply for the reservation of the studio for content creation in job hunting on this page.
If you want to use studio for other purposes, you need to ask about apply from the faculty member or staff in charge. Example: Classes, seminar activities, club activities
Please ask the facutly member or staff in charge to make a reservation. (Faculty / staff reservation page ⇒ here)
利用について / About use
- ・最初にスタジオ機材の使い方を職員から説明します。
- ・授業目的としての利用を最優先にするため、予約後もスケジュールを調整して頂く場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
- ・スタジオ利用の目的によっては貸出できない場合もあります。
- ・故意によりスタジオ機器設備に重大な損傷が発生した場合は,補償頂くことがあります。
- ・The staff will guide you on how to use the studio equipment before recording.
- ・Please note in order to give top priority to use for class purposes, we may ask you to adjust the schedule even after making a reservation.
- ・The application may be declined depending on the purpose of using the studio.
- ・If the studio equipment is intentionally damaged seriously, compensation may be required.
スタジオ予約状況 Reservation board
利用時間は、月~金 9:00~17:00, 土 9:00~12:30受け付けます。日曜・祝日・大学が定める休日は閉室します。
夏季休業中は、平日:9:30~16:00, 土日・祝日は閉室いたします。
Current reservation status (click to view in a separate window)
Double-click to confirm the details of the schedule.
Student use is accepted only from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 and Saturday from 9:00 to 12:30.
The studio is closed on Sundays, public holidays, and holidays set by the university.
就職活動目的としての利用予約 Reservation for job hunting
Please check the schedule and apply as follows.
The schedule may can changed as we give top priority to using it for class purposes. For this reason, we do not accept reservations for interview purposes.
Please note only available for time-changeable reservation such as recordings or AI interviews.
The usage time is limited to 50min per reservation. Due to studio disinfection, we will take a 10-minute interval before and after the reservation.
Reservations will be confirmed one week before the usage schedule. Please make sure to check the confirmation email.
* Contact by mail reqruied if you are late or change.
If you do not arrive by the start time without contact, reservation will be canceled automatically.
* Please make sure about the video data format and capacity required by the company in advance.
* Recorded video and audio will be delivered as digital files. Since it will be a large file, please bring a recording media as a portable HDD or a large capacity USB memory.
Step 1. スケジュール確認 Check the schedule
Please select the date and check the studio reservation status.
Double-click to confirm the details of the schedule.
Step 2. 予約フォーム記入 Fill out the reservation form
Step 3. Meiji mailにログイン Login to Meiji mail

Login ID: Your entire email address
Example) SAMPLE001@meiji.ac.jp
Password: Password set for your email account
Reference: Information related to Meiji Mail
Step 4. 予約確定メールを承認
Reservations will be adjusted from one week before the reservated schedule.
Please make sure to check the reservation email and "Accept" the schedule.
Your reservation will be confirmed after you "Accept" the reservation email.
Required to contact in advance in case of cancellation or schedule change.
If you do not arrive by the start time without contact, reservation will canceled automatically.
スタジオ紹介 Studio introduction
個別スタジオ1,2(Studio 1, Studio 2)
- お問い合わせ先
明治大学 情報メディア部 メディア支援事務室
Meiji University Information Media Division Media Support OfficeEmail:
rent_st(アットマーク)meiji.ac.jp ←(アットマーク)は、@に置き換えてください。
rent_st (at sign) meiji.ac.jp ← Please replace (at sign) with @.