・2020 論文 Regularization Methods Based on the Lq-Likelihood for Linear Models with Heavy-Tailed Errors. Entropy, 22, 1036.
・2020 論文 Holonomic Extended Least Angle Regression. Information Geometry, 3, 149-181.(共著)
・2020 著書 基礎から学ぶ 情報理論 [第2版], ムイスリ出版.(共著)
・2020 論文 Second-Order Matching Prior Family Parametrized by Sample Size and Matching Probability. Statistical Papers, 61, 1701-1717.(共著)
・2019 論文 Paired Comparison Models with Age Effects Modeled as Piecewise Quadratic Splines. International Journal of Forecasting, 35, 733-740.(共著)
・2015 論文 An Information-Geometrical Path Algorithm for Poisson Regression. Proceedings of the 60th ISI World Statistics Congress, 2329-2334.
・2015 論文 An Estimation Procedure for Contingency Table Models Based on the Nested Geometry. Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 45, 57-75.(共著)
・2013 論文 Edge Selection Based on the Geometry of Dually Flat Spaces for Gaussian Graphical Models. Statistics and Computing, 23, 793-800. (共著)
・2010 論文 An Extension of Least Angle Regression Based on the Information Geometry of Dually Flat Spaces. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19, 1007-1023. (共著)