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祈りの部屋/Prayer Room

祈りの部屋/Prayer Room


Meiji University has a Prayer Room on Surugadai campus for students, faculty and staff who needs to pray based on background of cultures and religions. To use the Prayer Room, students must take a procedure at the International Student Office (2F, Global Front). Details of Prayer Room are as follows:

■利用案内/Information for use

(1)利用可能時間/Opening hours
      Opening hours follow office hours of Surugadai campus.

(2)利用対象/Eligible users
  All students enrolled at Meiji University or faculty and staff of Meiji University who need prayer or meditation time for religious reasons.

■注意事項/Other Notes and Regulations


・In order to maintain a silent atmosphere, please wait a while when other people are using the Prayer Room.
・The following is NOT allowed:
    - To use the room for the purpose other than prayer.
    - To leave personal belongings.
    - To put up posters or decorations without permission.


国際教育事務室(駿河台キャンパス) TEL 03-3296-4141

■生田キャンパスの祈りの部屋について/About Prayer Room at Ikuta Campus

A simplified prayer room is also available at Ikuta Campus.
If you would like to use this room, please contact the International Student Office at Ikuta Campus.
国際教育事務室(生田キャンパス)TEL 044-934-7700